1. What has been the most surprising thing to happen in your writing career over the past year?
I’m surprised and so thrilled every time I get fan mail. The fact that someone would take the time to write and let me know how much they’ve enjoyed the books means I’ve made a connection, and that’s a priceless thing.
2. When did you first start writing?
I started writing when I was around eleven. I’m pretty sure I used every cliché in the world, but at least I got them out of my system! My teacher was tremendously encouraging, and I blame, er… credit… him for the fact that I have voices in my head to this day <g>.
3. What is one of your favorite lines from Fangtabulous?
Hmm, I don’t know whether I can pick a favorite, but here’s a small taste:
Second note to self: never buzz someone into an apartment building without knowing exactly who they are. They might be some fearsome, fanged creatures of the night up to no good. Not in our case, of course, but you never knew when someone might bust into your place to feng shui your furniture or rearrange your internal organs. Caution was just common sense.
4. If you were going out for Halloween this year, what would you go as?
I was toying with Black Widow e from The Avengers. I’ve always wanted to rock a catsuit. Plus, you just don’t get much cooler. I mean, she’s smart, gorgeous and deadly. My kind of gal!
Even though I don’t get to trick-or-treat this year, I do get to dress up for my cousin’s Halloween-themed wedding. I’m going to be a pirate queen Win Some. I’ve tried to convince my husband to go as my pirate king Lose Some, but for some reason he’s balking.

Fangtabulous by Lucienne Diver
Publisher: Flux (January 8th, 2013)
Reading Level: Yo ung A dult
Paperback: 288 pages
S eries: Vamped, #4
Can a fanged fashionista take out a deadly Salem spirit?
Being on the lam from the Feds and the vampire council with no money is not as glamorous as it sounds, especially when I, Gina Covello, fashion queen of the undead, am forced to abandon my wardrobe. Salem, Massachusetts, seems like a great place to hide our supernatural gang. But who knew the city would be crawling with ghosts? The nasty spirit of George Corwin, infamous sheriff from the witch trial days, is on a killing spree. It's up to us to take down the breath-stealing phantom-without blowing our cover.

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HOW THE TOUR WORKS Each day of The Crossroads Blog Tour, a new research question will be revealed on The Crossroad Blog Tour main page: http://judithgraves.com/events/the-crossroads-tour/crossroads-2012/ and each day the answer to that question will be found within one of the different blog posts by Crossroads Tour authors. Your job is to get the question, read the blog posts, and collect all answers by the end of the tour.
Answers are to be emailed to judithgraves @ ymail dot com by October 28th at MIDNIGHT. Winner of the grand prize will be announced on OCTOBER 31st – HALLOWEEN.
The GRAND PRIZE you’re vying for? A brand new KINDLE, preloaded with a title from each of the participating Crossroads Blog Tour Authors. That’s right folks, a free KINDLE and 13 free EBOOKS!