Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I hope you all have a great one. And to kick off this season of giving, I have a surprise. Jason Letts, author of the Powerless series wants everyone to know how much he is thankful for his readers so guess what?
He is giving EVERYONE an ebook of Powerless: The Synthesis!

The giveaway was originally for 3 winners in the giveaway we started HERE but he decided he wanted to give everyone a chance to read it!
This is also to help celebrate book 3, Powerless: The Stasis. It will be available December 1st.

All you have to do to get your copy is fill out the form below with your name, email, and file preference. If you signed up previously we will be contacting you to see what type of file you'd like so you will not need to re-enter. It is technically the same form so your entries are still there.
You can still help spread the word by clicking the"twitter" button below. You don't have to, of course, but it will help others get a chance at this FREE ebook!
The previous contest date applies and this treat will end December 5th. It is open internationally.
Be sure to add Jason on twitter @foreverjuly and tell him THANKS for the book!: )