I highly enjoyed the book The Emerald Talisman and one of my favorite characters is Julia's friend Samantha. I am thrilled to have her on the blog today to ask her a few questions.
J: Hello Sam, so glad you could be here with me today!
Sam: Thanks for interviewing me. Forgive me for being nervous. This is my first interview.
J: Sam, can you tell us a little about how you and Julia became such good friends?
Sam: One day in the 4th grade she asked me to play two-square and we were friends ever since. Not a lot of kids have lost a parent. A drunk driver killed my dad in an accident when I was in second grade. Julia was the only person who understood and helped me.
J: What about the others? What do you think keeps your group together? You all seem to differ in a lot of ways, especially Katie.
J: Do you ever worry about Julia or think that maybe she is hiding something from you?
J: Do you wish that she would confide in you more?
Sam: She and I usually do, but I guess you can’t tell your friends everything. I don’t think there are secrets between us. Why? Is there something I should know?
J: What? *looks away* oh no, um, of course not. *Clears throat*.moving on… Even when you and Julia fight, how do you keep your friendship strong?
Sam: We never really fight. I hate conflict. She hates conflict. We do our best to get along. She’s a really sweet person. What’s to fight about?
J: If you could choose 1 word to describe each of your friends, what would it be?
J: If you could have a hope, or wish, for each of them, what would it be?
J: What about yourself? What are you hoping for?
Thanks for the interview. It was fun.

The Sapphire Talisman by Brenda Pandos Publisher: Obsidian Mountain Publishing (December 15th, 2010) Reading Level: Young Adult Paperback: 320 pages Series: The Emerald Talisman, book #2 With the local vampire coven decimated, Julia and Nicholas try to begin a somewhat normal life together. Bound by secrecy from a shape shifter determined to see Julia’s world-saving prediction come to fruition, Julia isn’t allowed to tell Nicholas the leader survived, ransacking her happiness with guilt. When Alora returns, bent on revenge, the reunion forces Nicholas and Julia to choose what they are willing to live and die for.

The Sapphire Talisman blog tour is hosted by Teen {book} scene.You can USE GOOGLE to visit the other stops on the tour.
USE GOOGLE to find out how to pre-order a signed copy and all pre-orders can be entered to win a talisman.
Ends November 30th.

The Sapphire Talisman will be out December 15th, 2010.
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