Tell Me A Secret is a fabulous story that I will not soon forget. I posted my review of it HERE and now I am thrilled to be a stop on the blog tour. Today I am honored to get a chance to speak with Miranda herself!

J: Thank you Miranda for being on my blog today. Can you tell us one thing that teens may not realize when they feel they are in a serious, romantic relationship?
Miranda: I don’t think there is anything wrong with serious romantic relationships, but it’s easy to get caught up in them and lose sight of the bigger picture—that’s part of what happened between Kamran and me, both of us for different reasons. Remember to stay grounded in your friendships, your goals, and the things you know to be true.
J: If you could go back to before you were pregnant and give yourself advice, what would you say?
Miranda: I think I would tell myself to take a step back. I did good things for the wrong reasons and some not-so-good things for the right ones. It’s hard to see things clearly when you’re right in the middle of them. It helps to have good friends to stand by you through the hard times, and the confusing times. Sometimes it’s difficult to find a true friend, but it’s worth it.
J: Out of everything you have had to experience, what sticks out as the hardest part? What one thing did you learn the most from?
Miranda: The hardest part was losing my sister and learning to stand on my own. I think I was looking for myself in her, and later in Delaney and other people. It seems so distant, now that my life has taken such a different turn. When you learn something with your heart and not your head, it changes everything.

J: Most teens don't have a good understanding of what pregnancy is actually like. Can you share with us what part of it surprised you the most?
Miranda: I think it surprised me that you could get so close to something you’ve never seen or heard. After Lexi was born, I just kept staring at her, like, Is that you? Is that really you? Someone you know and don’t know at the same time. It still surprises me every day.
J: If Xanda had been alive when you learned the news of your pregnancy, what do you think her first words to you would have been?

Miranda: I’m not sure what she would say, but I can picture what she might do: she would spin around with her hands over her mouth. She might say, “That’s terrible.” Or she might say, “That’s wonderful!” She might even say, “I can’t believe it’s you and not me.” But after the initial shock, she would throw her whole self into sticking by me through it all.
J: Do you have a new outlook on life and loss, or a new philosophy you now try to go by?
Miranda: What sticks out for me the most is when Nik talked about why difficult things happen. She said, “We don’t always know why things happen until down the road.” The future is where the hope is, she said. I don’t know what’s in the future, but I know I’m hopeful now.

And here is a BONUS! A video from Holly where she discusses her deepest, darkest secrets! Wouldn't you like to know some of Holly's Secrets?

Tell Me A Secret by Holly Cupala Publisher: HarperCollins (June 22nd, 2010) Reading Level: Young Adult Hardcover: 256 pages In the five years since her bad-girl sister Xanda’s death, Miranda Mathison has wondered about the secret her sister took to the grave, and what really happened the night she died. Now, just as Miranda is on the cusp of her dreams—a best friend to unlock her sister’s world, a ticket to art school, and a boyfriend to fly her away from it all—Miranda has a secret all her own.
Then two lines on a pregnancy test confirm her worst fears. Stripped of her former life, Miranda must make a choice with tremendous consequences and finally face her sister’s demons and her own.


- 1 winner will receive a TELL ME A SECRET ART PRINT — Inspired by the book trailer.
- You must be at least 13 to enter.
- Name and email must be provided and counts as 1 entry.
- Extra entries are possible and links must be provided.
- Contest is US Only and ends December 15th.
- Once contacted the winner will have 48 hours to respond with their mailing address.
- The form must be filled out to enter.

Podcast To access the Tell Me a Secret podcast, click on the banner or HERE to get to the page.
Find Holly Cupala Holly Cupala / Twitter / Facebook / Goodreads
Purchase Tell Me A Secret Amazon / The Book Depository / Barnes & Noble
Book Trailer

Thanks so much Holly for the post, giveaway, and VIDEO!
The Tell Me A Secret blog tour is hosted by Teen {book} scene.You can USE GOOGLE to visit the other stops on the tour.