Where Is YA going?
It’s been a long time since Harry Potter. Even though we’re all storming movie theaters to see the first half of Deathly Hallows, from the books that are coming out now you’d think the whole series was ancient history. Judging by what is hitting the shelves, you’d think a YA book can’t be good unless it has a love-triangle or a death within the first ten pages, and then it has to drag us over hot coals as it resolves its torturous, dark conflicts, finally ending with a dreary whimper. Do you know what I’m talking about? How did we leave behind the exciting and the innocent to get here in just a few short years?
For me, the young-adult genre’s latest revolution is losing that essence that made me fall in love with it in the first place. I hate to see it go, and I’m desperate to find a way to bring it back to its roots.
I remember I was a counselor at a sports camp the day Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince was released. The post office had to send two trucks to deliver all of the pre-orders, and we had to suspend activities because everyone wanted to read. I’ll tell you what, you’ve never been around a happier group of people in your life. Even the counselors were reading it, and everyone was just smiling ear-to-ear, delighted and enthralled. We all gasped at how dark the story had become, but now it still seems so innocent and playful. Even finishing Dealthy Hallows, most people felt charged, ready to jump for joy. Right toppled wrong! Something had been accomplished!
Let’s compare that to Mockingjay. When you see people reading Mockingjay, don’t you have to start looking at them like they’re about to invade the Capital? “Good luck! I’m praying for you!” Your eyebrows scrunch up with concern, and they nod as if to say they’re willing to make a sacrifice for the greater good by reading this book. No matter how much you loved it, I don’t think there’s anyone out there who can describe the ending as “happy.” Instead, Collins leaves us with an ambiguous message about what it was all for, that being left alone is the best we can hope for. Where’s the feeling of triumph, of joy? I understand that life can be hard, but is a happy ending really too much to ask for?
YA has long been the playground of authors, allowing them to delve into issues that are too sticky for adult fiction. But instead of using the swings or the slide, they’ve chosen to start releasing the worst demons they can devise, and now the books they’re publishing are filled with pent-up traumas and emotional horrors beyond what most of us could ever expect to live through.
A quick look at recent and upcoming releases tells us exactly what we’re in for. Matched is about an oppressive regime dictating who people love. Wither is about an abducted girl who is stripped of her freedom and forced to marry someone. Torment… well I think the name says it all. I’m not saying any of these are bad books, but yikes, makes me glad to be living in the real world!
For those of you who can sympathize with me here, people who miss some of the youthful exuberance and sense of exciting discovery that constitutes their vision of YA, let me pose an alternative. If you’re in the mood for something a little lighter, a little more innocent, you may find some refreshment in my Powerless series, which is just about to release its third book! The story is about a fifteen-year-old girl named Mira Ipswich who discovers she’s the only one in the world without a unique, magical power. Despite her limitation, she’s got to find a way to co-exist and make friends, and the larger arc of the series is her attempt to reunite her family. There are hardships, to be sure, but as long as they keep hope in their hearts, the possibility for a bright future remains.
I’d like to close with a heartfelt thank you to Jessica for graciously providing me with this space. I’m excited about holding a giveaway on “Confessions of a Bookaholic,” and I hope we all keep reading to our heart’s content!
Jason Letts is the author of the Powerless series. You can find out more at his website: www.powerlessbooks.com

Powerless: The Synthesis by Jason Letts Published: May 30th, 2010
Reading Level: Young Adult Series: Powerless, book #1 Mira Ipswich couldn't have ever known the startling difference that separates her from the rest of humanity. But when she discovers a strange anomaly in the midst of her seclusion, her parents are forced to reveal she exists in a world where everyone is imbued with a wondrous natural gift. Everyone except herself that is. Accompany Mira as her attempts to fit in among peers and understand her inconceivable condition embroil her with the dangerous forces threatening her homeland. Protected by nothing more than her imagination and ingenuity, you'll never find a superhero more like you.
The first book in the Powerless series is the tale of Mira’s turbulent and perilous entry into the world around her. And once she’s a part of it, nothing will ever be the same again.
The story is already raking in the awards. It's won the Webb Weaver 2010 Writer's Competition, the judges proclaiming they were"entranced by the writer's ability to bring together this unlikely group of kids," and that the book could"be a hit in the YA book world." The story is a roller coaster ride, filled with diverse characters, lots to discover in an ever-expanding world, and a story full of hopes and aspirations. If you like stories with plenty of dramatic twists and spirited intensity, it'll have you falling in love with a brand new series and begging for more!

Giveaway Prize:
- 3 winners will receive an ebook of Powerless: The Synthesis.
- You must be at least 13 to enter.
- Name and email must be provided and counts as 1 entry.
- Extra entries are possible and links must be provided.
- Contest is International and ends December 5th.
- Once contacted the winner will have 48 hours to respond with their mailing address.
- The form must be filled out to enter.
Find Jason Letts Jason Letts / Twitter / Goodreads / Blog
Purchase Powerless: The Synthesis Amazon / Barnes & Noble
Ebook version is available through Amazon for $0.99! USE GOOGLE to read chapter one for free.
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