The Best Reader + TIME

Guest Post: Caroline A. Shearer

For years, I was attracted to men with a bit of an “edge,” men who were nice enough but had that mysterious, almost dangerous element lurking right below the surface. To be involved with someone like this was very exciting to me — the thrill was a rush!
I think it is these same tendencies that make so many of us gravitate toward darker books, the kind that makes up most paranormal reading out today. We like to “be good” in our own lives, while getting a momentary rush from being in a darker, more mysterious, more exciting world.
And that is certainly ok! We should go wherever we resonate — “like attracts like” is not just a catchy line; it’s an actual physics concept that determines our entire reality! But, in my experience, the constant stream of “personal growth” that came about because of my inclinations made me first, recognize my inner light, and secondly, choose to honor it.
I asked myself some hard questions: Why do I need someone else to generate my excitement? If I’m not excited with my life, then that is something *I* need to change. Secondly, if I want to be truly happy, not just tanked-up off exhilaration, I need to find people who resonate with me and I need to find activities that resonate with me. We are constantly evolving, and I made a conscious choice to evolve to the light rather than to the dark.
I explain all this because, while my book, “Adventures of a Lightworker: Dead End Date,” would be considered paranormal by many, it is different than what you’ve read before. It is about goodness; it is about sharing love; it is about understanding ourselves and fully developing our highest and greatest potential. This will be more and more obvious as the series progresses — we will see Faith, the main character, learn how to discover her true self and how to help the world!
Much of my book involves angels and, of course, the lightworker angle. What is a lightworker, you ask? Lightworkers are a type of individual whose purpose is to help humanity, and humanity, like all in the universe, is composed of energy. Lightworkers raise the vibration of the planet simply by being here and also by performing acts of love and kindness. When we think about all that is good within our reality and bring it down to one word, that word is love, and lightworkers are here to teach the world about love. This is where Faith develops. She learns she is a lightworker, but one who hasn’t been fulfilling her life purpose. And in the “real world,” this certainly can and does happen. Many lightworkers are not doing all they can to bring love and light to the world, and as a result, often feel a sensation in their solar plexus that doesn’t go away until they begin to do so. Compounding this is to be a lightworker, one doesn’t even have to be aware of the term!
Beyond this element, Faith is told she has one year to fulfill her lightworker “duties,” or she will be pulled from her assignment! This adds a level of intensity to the story because Faith has to figure out in one year (of book time) how she can help millions of people. If you’ve ever wondered how you can make an impact on the world, this will be your series to read!
Faith also has a special relationship with angels, and along the way, she is assisted by them. Studies consistently show the vast majority of people believe in angels, and one doesn’t have to look far to find examples of people who believe they have been helped in some way by an angel. Many will even say angels have saved their lives! I know that I have been helped by angels – many, many times – and you’ll see their influence in the story.
Whichever way you resonate, you are exactly where your soul needs to be in this moment! I honor you on your journey and bless your presence in reading this guest post. For those who choose to read “Adventures of a Lightworker: Dead End Date,” it is available on Kindle (which can be downloaded to your computer if you don’t have a Kindle!) and paperback via Amazon and other sites. It is a fun and eye-opening mystery – I hope you love it!

Adventures of a Lightworker: Dead End Date by Caroline A. Shearer Publisher: Absolute Love (December 9th, 2010) Reading Level: Young Adult Paperback: 244 pages
In a Stephanie Plum meets New Age-style,"Dead End Date" introduces readers to Faith, a young woman whose dating disasters and personal angst have separated her from the reason she's on Earth. When she receives the shocking news that she is a lightworker and has one year to fulfill her life purpose, Faith embarks on her mission with zeal, tackling problems big and small — including the death of her blind date. Working with angels and psychic abilities and even the murder victim himself, Faith dives headfirst into a personal journey that will transform all those around her and, eventually, all those around the world.

A fun, fast-paced metaphysical mystery!

"More and more people are reaching within for their innate spirituality, and, in that search, are beginning to bring harmony to their inner and outer worlds," says Shearer."However, as thought patterns and unconscious habits and negative actions crumble, life can feel like a tumultuous journey. The main character of Faith exemplifies this progression. She takes a step forward in one area, only to stumble backwards in another, but through her wit and charm and ability to laugh at herself, we discover how we, also, may be gentle with ourselves and learn to love the ride."

"Adventures of a Lightworker: Dead End Date" is a mystery novel, as will be each book in the Lightworker series. The spiritual theme and Faith's life purpose as a lightworker are larger elements that come into play over the course of the series. Look for much growth in Faith's character — and have fun along with her as she stumbles to her highest and greatest good!

Find Caroline A. Shearer Absolute Love Publishing / Blog / Goodreads
Purchase Adventures of a Lightworker: Dead End Date Amazon / Barnes & Noble / The Book Depository
Audio Intro. read by Caroline

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Guest Post: Caroline A. Shearer + TIME