The Best Reader + Tor Teen

Interview & Giveaway: Article 5 by Kristen Simmons

I have the lovely and fabulous author of Article 5 here today. Kristen Simmons is a debut author and Article 5 is just incredible! My review will be posted later today.
So who does she want to play her characters? Look below to find out and don't forget to enter the giveaway for a signed copy!

My Article 5 Casting List

Chase Janenings – Channing Tatum?
I have a hard time deciding between the ever beautiful Channing Tatum and Mark Salling. I think Channing could be a perfect brooding/conflicted Chase. Plus he’s tall, and exudes that protective vibe that makes me a little wobbly in the knees.

Chase Janenings – Mark Salling?
I do think that Puck might be a little closer physical match to Chase though. He would be perfect for Ember’s flashbacks of the sweet, fun bad boy she fell in love with. I can totally see him on a motorcycle. What do you think?


Ember Miller – Sophia Bush
I also had a hard time choosing an actress to play Ember, but then someone pointed me in the direction of Sophia Bush, and I think she might be perfect. Ember lives in a world where women are forbidden from wearing makeup and dressing up, but she has a natural beauty that attracts those around her. Sophia easily captures Ember’s beauty, and her innocence, but definitely has a strength about her as well.

Tucker Morris – Kellen Lutz
Tucker is handsome — blonde with an athletic build. He’s arrogant, but is also bound by his role as a solider. I think Kellan could play the perfect bad guy.

Rebecca – Dianna Agron
In my second Glee choice of the evening, I nominate Quinn Fabray to play the part of Rebecca, Ember’s reform school roommate. She looks exactly how I imagine Rebecca looking, and can totally be both manipulative and fierce.

Sean – Alex Pettyfer
Like Rebecca, Sean also has to play a dual role at reform school – he’s a guard, but he also has a secret life the FBR doesn’t know about. I think Alex has both a serious and a playful side, plus we already know he looks good with Dianna Agron!

Thanks for letting me stop by and play Jess! This was fun!

Thank you Kristen for sharing your cast (and hot pictures!). A movie with Channing, Kellen, and Alex?? I'm there!!

Article 5 by Kristen Simmons Publisher: Tor Teen (January 31st, 2012) Reading Level: Young Adult Hardcover: 368 pages Series: Article 5 #1 New York, Los Angeles, and Washington, D.C., have been abandoned.

The Bill of Rights has been revoked, and replaced with the Moral Statutes.

There are no more police—instead, there are soldiers. There are no more fines for bad behavior—instead, there are arrests, trials, and maybe worse. People who get arrested usually don't come back.

Seventeen-year-old Ember Miller is old enough to remember that things weren’t always this way. Living with her rebellious single mother, it’s hard for her to forget that people weren’t always arrested for reading the wrong books or staying out after dark. It’s hard to forget that life in the United States used to be different.

Ember has perfected the art of keeping a low profile. She knows how to get the things she needs, like food stamps and hand-me-down clothes, and how to pass the random home inspections by the military. Her life is as close to peaceful as circumstances allow.

That is, until her mother is arrested for noncompliance with Article 5 of the Moral Statutes. And one of the arresting officers is none other than Chase Janenings… the only boy Ember has ever loved.


  • 1 winner will receive a SIGNED copy of Article 5.
  • 4 winners will receive a bookmark.
  • You must be at least 13 to enter.
  • Name and email must be provided.
  • Extra entries are possible and links must be provided.
  • Contest is US only and ends February 15th.
  • Once contacted, the winner will have 48 hours to respond.
  • The form must be filled out to enter.

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Article 5, book, Contest, guest post, Kristen Simmons, LIFE, TIME, and more:

Interview & Giveaway: Article 5 by Kristen Simmons + Tor Teen