Article 5 by Kristen Simmons Publisher: Tor Teen (January 31st, 2012) Reading Level: Young Adult Hardcover: 368 pages
Source: ARC from Publisher Series: Article 5 #1
Rating: 5 of 5 stars New York, Los Angeles, and Washington, D.C., have been abandoned.
The Bill of Rights has been revoked, and replaced with the Moral Statutes.
There are no more police—instead, there are soldiers. There are no more fines for bad behavior—instead, there are arrests, trials, and maybe worse. People who get arrested usually don't come back.
Seventeen-year-old Ember Miller is old enough to remember that things weren’t always this way. Living with her rebellious single mother, it’s hard for her to forget that people weren’t always arrested for reading the wrong books or staying out after dark. It’s hard to forget that life in the United States used to be different.
Ember has perfected the art of keeping a low profile. She knows how to get the things she needs, like food stamps and hand-me-down clothes, and how to pass the random home inspections by the military. Her life is as close to peaceful as circumstances allow.
That is, until her mother is arrested for noncompliance with Article 5 of the Moral Statutes. And one of the arresting officers is none other than Chase Janenings… the only boy Ember has ever loved.
Review: This review is difficult to write because I enjoyed this book so much! I could never find words to express exactly what this book captures. The world inside Article 5 is startling. The War has changed everything. The rights of each citizen have been revoked and everyone must adhere to the Mortal Statutes. Ember gets a stark dose of reality when she finds out a new revision in Article 5 puts her and her mother's life in danger.
Ember knows of only some of the dangers around her. The world has changed and now people get arrested for the simplest thing. One day when Ember arrives at home, officers soon come to her door — a familiar face included. Chase, the boy from next door and the boy who had Ember's heart is standing there as Ember and her mother fight to stay together. Ember knows Chase is one of them now. An officer doing what he is told. Ember's mother is soon taken away and Ember is forced into a Girls' Reformation and Rehabilitation Center where she is to stay until she is 18.
While there, Ember is determined to break free and find her mother. Soon she gets her chance but it doesn't come as she would have expected. All of this puts her on a course to rely on Chase, the boy she doesn't know if she can trust, as they try to find her a safe place away from the pains of reality.
Ember is a fighter. She is a bit stubborn but willing to give whatever it takes in order to find her mother. She has a difficult time dealing with Chase because he doesn't seem like the person who used to live next door. He can be cold, deadly, and eerily quiet.
Chase may have changed, but his care for Ember remains the same. He would do anything to keep her safe. He is dangerous but so passionate and selfless. The demons inside of him may keep him more distant but he has a good heart. And, I'd like to mention that he is super hot! That's always important. Oh, and Kristen describes him as being similar to Channing Tatum. Need I say more?
Okay, now for the plot. I was so nervous while reading this book! I couldn't put it down but my eyes were wide and I had to even re-read passages to make sure I didn't miss any little detail. It has an incredible amount of action! I don't think there was one single page where something dramatic didn't happen.
The world inside of Article 5 is truly a bleak depiction of what a country could be after a devastating war. People fighting for food, clothing and shelter. A type of government who can come into any home, take anything, and arrest anyone for any reason. All supplies are scarce and everyone is fighting just to survive.
Kristen Simmons constructed and described this world flawlessly. Each new place Ember explored has its own set of troubles and characteristics. I felt as if I could see it all through Ember's eyes. Everything from the barren lands and deserted homes, to the desperate people. It was haunting and poignant.
Article 5 transported me into a world that was unfamiliar but all too possible. The charming characters, heart-stopping action, and imaginative plot quickly made this book a favorite. Kristen Simmons did an outstanding job and I can't wait to see where she goes next with this series.

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