I am participating in the tour for Where it Began and today author Ann Redisch Stampler is here to share her This or That list with us.
I was lucky enough to get 2 ARCs of Where it Began so be sure to sign up below for the chance to win a copy!
Peanut Butter or Chocolate
Chocolate. Oh my God, chocolate. I just ate leftover chocolate raspberry birthday cake for lunch.
Coffee or Tea
Mostly tea. Irish breakfast and green.
Writing in quiet or Writing with music
Mornings, maybe music. Night, absolute quiet.
Organized or Cluttered
Aspire to organized. Not entirely successful
Spontaneous or Planner
With writing, in the beginning stages, it has to be spontaneous. No outline. Can’t force anything. Then when I have hundreds of pages of disjointed chapters, and vast numbers of disembodied sentences, lots of catch-up planning.
Beach or Mountains
Beach. I grew up in Santa Barbara. Beach!
Comedy or Horror
Comedy. There’s more than enough naturally occurring horror in the world without cultivating it.
Geek or Chic
I am so chic. Don’t laugh. (There are certain articles of clothing Gabby makes fun of in the book that I actually own.)
Adventure seeker or Couch potato
Adventure seeker. Aspirationally. Unfortunately, writing involves a tremendous amount of sitting on a couch. I actually write on a couch.
Early bird or Night owl
Insomniac. I’m just always up.

Where it Began by Ann Redisch Stampler
Publisher: Simon Pulse (March 6th, 2012)
Reading Level: Young Adult
Hardback: 384 pages
Sometimes the end is just the beginning.
Gabby lived under the radar until her makeover. Way under. But when she started her senior year as a blonder, better-dressed version of herself, she struck gold: Billy Nash believed she was a the flawless girl she was pretending to be. The next eight months with Billy were bliss… Until the night Gabby woke up on the ground next to the remains of his BMW without a single memory of how she got there.
And Billy's nowhere to be found.
All Gabby wants is to make everything perfect again. But getting her life back isn't difficult, it's impossible. Because nothing is the same, and Gabby's beginning to realize she's missed more than a few danger signs along the way.
It's time for Gabby to face the truth, even if it means everything changes.
Especially if it means everything changes.

- 1 winner will receive an ARC of WHERE IT BEGAN.
- You must be at least 13 to enter.
- Name and email must be provided and counts as 1 entry.
- Extra entries are possible and links must be provided.
- Contest is US Only and ends March 12th.
- Once contacted, the winner will have 48 hours to respond.
- The form must be filled out to enter.

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