The Best Reader + TIME

Street Team Prize Updates and Assignments

Hello brave street teamers! If you have not signed up yet and wish to do so, USE GOOGLE to be taken to the sign up page. Those of you who have signed up already, you should have received an email. Please check your spam folders if you don't see it.
Today we wanted to announce some more street team prizes and some assignments for you guys!
Street Team Prizes
- Signed copy of DIVERGENT
- Copy of INSURGENT (from The Book Depository)
- HUGE box of ARCs (to be announced soon -US/CA only)
- The Hunger Games (paperback)
- Swag packs (including FACTION TATTOOS) each week

Important Links
- We can now use two different links for our buttons and tweets.

The links are:
Dauntless Tumblr page: HarperTeen's Insurgent page: Please make sure you use the links only. They are the only two that count.

Team Dauntless Giveaways
- We are running a giveaway for a NOOK with an ebook of INSURGENT all month long! Please feel free to spread the word about it, or blog about it and you can use the image below. You can link the giveaway to the DivergentFans site. People can enter to win once a day!

- We will be hosting a new book giveaway each day. We will be linking those on twitter so please sign up to win and spread the word about those!
- There are a few more BIG giveaways coming up! Hopefully one each week and the next should be up by Monday or Tuesday. The links will be sent to you guys in the next email.

Cool Images
- Do you have pinterest? We have posted these images there if you'd like to repin them or use them in tweets or blog posts.

Need the button?
This one links to the Dauntless tumblr page.

- Tomorrow we are starting #FEARLESSFRIDAY. To participate, tweet or post a picture of yourself doing something cool and fearless, or post a picture of something fearless you would like to do someday.

- You can still use the hashtag #IfIWasFearless to tell everyone the things you'd like to do as well.

- Use the hashtags #TeamDauntless, #DauntlessFaction, and #DivergentNation with the links and

First Challenge
Each week we will be coming up with a challenge for street team members. Everyone who completes this challenge within the time-frame will be entered to win a swag giveaway for that week. For this week, please try to submit your link by Monday, the 9th.
- The challenge is to make a vlog of you or your friends talking about being DAUNTLESS. Think of the question"What does it mean to be Dauntless?" You can also tie this into #FearlessFriday and share the things you would do if you were fearless for a while. We know that a lot of people have a fear of vlogs, so that can be your fearless task: )

You can link your vlog's youtube URL or, if you'd like, create a blog post and link it that way. Once you have completed this challenge, make sure you sign up below with your link in order to be entered to win the swag! Swag packs include faction tattoos and we may even throw in a surprise book!

We are all so thrilled to have you guys on board. Please contact us with any questions and send us links if you post about the Dauntless team! We'll be sure to re-tweet it: ) We really appreciate all the hard work you all are doing to help Team Dauntless!

book, HarperTeen, Insurgent, street team, Team Dauntless, and more:

Street Team Prize Updates and Assignments + TIME