In preparation for the beginning of Bloggiesta on Friday, I've compiled a list of everyone who is participating who has a Twitter account. Now, this list isn't perfect because not everyone has Twitter or I couldn't find it. Furthermore, next time I do this I'll put the direct link to their Twitter page. But because I didn't think about it until I was done, you just have to go your twitter.com page, find people, and search the username.
I've tried to keep up with this list, but if you recently signed Natasha 's Mr. Linky then you may not be on this list. If you aren't and would like to be added, please email me, google (at) gmail (dot) com, your Twitter username and the link to to your blog (like everyone elses) and I will add you immediately. Also, if your Twitter username is listed and you don't want it to be for privacy reasons — please email me and I'll remove it. I don't want to intrude on anyone's privacy by posting their usernames for any one to read. I didn't put up anyone's username that wasn't publicly visible on their blog. If the name wasn't visible — I emailed or commented. But still, if you want your name removed, please let me know.
If you see a mistake (spelling or whatever), again, let me know and I'll fix it.
The whole point to this was so that for the next couple days we can all check each other's updates and get to know each other a bit better (don't forget to use the hashtag #bloggiesta). Also, by posting reviews/blog links to Twitter, we can all see what everyone else is up to, participate in more mini-challenges, and be more of a 'team.' I'm really excited about this — but I completely understand if you want your name removed. I'm excited for Bloggiesta in general, and compiling this list and seeing blogs that are new to me and already connecting with these readers has really 'lit the fire' for Bloggiesta and I hope that you all get the same feeling I did.
Good luck everyone!
1. Rebecca @ The Book Lady's Blog — bookladysblog
2. Miss Remmers — google
3. Deborah (Books, Movies and Chinese Food) — readerbuzz
4. Nicole (Linus's Blanket) — NicoleBo
5. Melanie @ Melanie's Musings — MelanieMFoust
6. Vasilly — 1330v — Vasilly
7. Katie (Read What You Know) — katietweetsya
8. Michelle (Michelle's Masterful Musings) — jmchshannon
9. Chris@ bookarama — Christbookarama
10. Shona's Book Shelves
11. Pam (Bookalicio. us) — bookaliciouspam
12. Suey — SueySays
13. Sandra (Fresh Ink Books)
14. Ann @ Books on the Nightstand — AnnKingman
15. Amanda (The Zen Leaf) — pookasluagh
16. Lindsay — lindzsmile
17. Avis (she reads and reads)
18. Kate (The Neverending Shelf) — neshelf
19. Cindy( cindysloveofbooks) — cindyloveofbook
20. Tracie @ Yule Time Reading — YuleTimeReading
21. Bibliofreak — bibliofreakblog
22. The1stdaughter (There's A Book) — the1stdaughter
23. Florinda/ The 3 R's Blog — florinda_3rs
24. christina (Reading Thru The Night)
25. Laura W
26. Sharla — WinterWrite
27. Tam @ Bailey's and Books — BaileysandBooks
28. Jennifer @ Reading with Tequila — TequilaReader
29. Marquetta (Love To Read For Fun) — Loves2Read4Fun
30. Colleen
31. Michelle (galleysmith) — galleysmith
32. Aarti @ Booklust — aartichapati
33. christine( booktumbling) — booktumbling
34. Shellie (Layers of Thought) — layersofthought
35. melissa @ 1lbr — melissa1lbr
36. Nan (Nan's Corner of the Web
37. Robin of My Two Blessings — My2blessings59
38. Lexie/ Poisoned Rationality — lexilewords
39. Ashley @ Ashley's Library — GirlThatReads
40. Callista (SMS Book Reviews) — callista83
41. Beth F (Beth Fish Reads) — BethFishReads
42. KyleeJ @ Kylee's Journal — KsJournal
43. Kristen (Bookworming in the 21st Century) — bookgoil
44. Stacy's Books – stacybuckeye
45. alisonwonderland (So Many Books, So Little Time) — utahalison
46. Monica (Bibliophilic Book Blog) — bibliophilicboo
47. Helen (Helen Loves Books) — lovesbooks81
48. Emily @What Book is That? — heynocupcake
49. debnance at readerbuzz
50. Susan (Bulging Bookshelves)
51. Susan (Bulging Bookshelves)
52. Grace — bibliophile23
53. Lauren (Reading Comes From Writing) — blondierocket
54. Julie — faithfulgirl
55. Sheila (Journey Through a World of Books) — bookjourney
56. Emma (Booking Through365) — SekritEmuSister
57. Bitsy (Fabula: A Book Blog)
58. Brittany Landgrebe — light_aurora
59. Zee @ Notes from the North — Zommie
60. Karin (Karin's Book Nook) — kperry
61. Karin (The Book Jacket) — thebookjacket
62. Alethea (Read Now Sleep Later) — frootjoos
63. Kathrin (Secret Dreamworld of a Bookaholic) L3
64. Suzanne (Chick with Books) — ChickwithBooks
65. Ash (English Major's Junk Food) — ashbrux
66. Gnoe's Graasland — graasland
67. Sabrina
68. I Heart Monster
69. Drea (Book Blather) — awaitinserenity
70. nomadreader
71. Patricia — PatriciaAltner
72. Lisa A
73. Sherry at Semicolon
74. tanabata (In Spring it is the Dawn) — tanabata2000
75. Margot (Joyfully Retired)
76. Kim @ Good Clean Reads
77. Tasha B. (Heidenkind's Hideaway) — heidenkind
78. Chelle (Tempting Persephone) — persephonereads
79. Justine (A Bookful of Thoughts) — justeena
80. Jaime (Denim Debutante. com) — denimdebutante
81. The Kool — Aid Mom — thekoolaidmom
82. Liz B (Tea Cozy) — LizB
83. Honey (Coffeespoons) — fantaghiro23
84. Dawn — She is Too Fond of Books — toofondofbooks
85. Mother Reader
86. Jennie from Biblio File
87. Laurel — Rain Snow — laurelrainsnow
88. Alexia561 — alexia561
89. Alison (Alison's Book Marks)
90. Vicki ~ Reading At The Beach — Readatthebeach
91. Sally Hanan — inksnatcher
92. Debbie's World of Books — DebWorldOfBooks
93. Marion (Books & Fiber) — tattoocats
94. Sara (The Hiding Spot) — http://twitter.com/thehidingspot
95. Charlotte
96. Lisa
97. Molly (My Cozy Book Nook)
98. Joyful@ New Horizon Reviews
99. Dana (Rantings of a Bookworm Couch Potato
100. 5 Minutes for Books (Jennifer & team)
101. Meg (A Piece of Evidence) — jbbmegan
102. Sherrie( Just Books)
103. Caridad Pineiro — CaridadPineiro
104. Marci (Serendipitous Readings)
105. Sharon (Sharon's Garden of Book Reviews) — SharonChance
106. Becky
107. Dani (YA All The Way) — Danidlion
108. Erica (The Book Cellar) — thebookcellarx
109. Jen — Devourer of Books
110. Erika (Reading with Momma)
111. Bart's Bookshelf
112. Intense Whisper — intensewhisper
113. Jenn's Bookshelves
114. Gayla
115. Sarah (My World of Books)
116. Amyloves Bud
117. Melissa (Betty and Boo Chronicles)
118. Nicole @ Book — Wyrm — Knits
119. Sue (Books, Books, Magical) — froggyfitz
120. Bea (How Novel!)
121. Julie (My Book Retreat)
122. Kris
123. Joyful@( The Sacrifice — Book Review)
124. melydia — melydia
125. Laura (The Calico Critic)
126. Karey Shane (er, K.S.R. Kingworth)
127. Savvy Verse & Wit — SavvyVerseWit
128. lena
129. cindy
130. Amused (Amused by Books)
131. Gina @ Book Dragon's Lair
132. Marg (Reading Adventures) — MargReads
133. KyleeJ @ Kylee's Journal — KsJournal
134. Heather (Capricious Reader) — capriciousreadr
135. Sandra (Musings of a Book Addict)