The Best Reader + TIME

Reading — Not a Solitary Activity

There's a "new" hobby in our apartment — reading (together). Since moving in together I've struggled to find a way to spend time with D watching reality television, playing the Wii, and all of those other activities we love and reading. Unfortunately, during the last half of the year reading was what didn't happen at home. The only time I was able to read was when D was at work or when I was at school during my lunch breaks, plan periods, or on Recreational Reading day. Since Christmas this routine has drastically changed.

Now when D says, "What do you want to do tonight?" reading is included: "We could watch a movie, an episode of Fringe, Survivor, The Biggest Loser, etc etc, play Mario Kart, or read." I love that reading has found a place in our nightly routine. Yes, sometimes we still watch television or play games, but the option is there and it is often taken.

We've also taken up the hobby of reading in bed 30-40 minutes before going to bed. This is something I never thought I'd do; "bed" for me has always been a place to sleep (and put clothes). But now I find myself looking forward to those 30 minutes — where D can read his Star Wars book and I can delve into my own story. We share what we are reading, especially when I have an "Oh my gosh!" moment (see Delirium) .

It's become something that I hope will continue to stay in our routine as our relationship/marriage grows. I knew when I first met D that he liked to read, he's a slower reader so it takes him awhile to finish a book, but I never realized that this was something we could do together. It's a win/win situation: reading is no longer a solitary activity in our house, it's something we do together.

book, hope, love story, movie, and more:

Reading — Not a Solitary Activity + TIME