Yes, you heard right. I am expecting... an eReader! I've debated long and hard and am finally ready to make the move (after discovering Net Galley). I don't think I'll purchase many books with it, but I am looking forward to having it for eGalleys and traveling.
After I made the decision of "to buy" or "not to buy" I had to decide which brand of eReader I wanted. This was an easy choice for me: I often refer to Barnes and Noble as the Motherland so there's really no way I could go anywhere else with this important decision.
Then, after deciding on the Nook brand, I had another decision: Nook or NookColor. This was the most difficult decision in this process. I tweeted all last nigh about this dilemma. I love the NookColor because it's new, it's completely touch screen, I could subscribe to magazines, I could tweet status updates, I could surf the web, etc. But I have an iPod Touch that does all of that and eventually I'll have an iPad. It wasn't until very late last night that I realized why I can't get a NookColor. I'm only 23 but my eyes hurt. I look at a computer all day then I blog for a few hours each night. And when I'm not looking at my computer I'm looking at my cell phone or Touch — it's exhausting. Last night all I wanted to do was curl up with a book and let my eyes relax; that is why I decided on a regular ole Nook. I want a device that won't take away from my reading, a device that won't allow me to get side tracked by Twitter, Facebook, Google Reader, and blogging. When I sit down to read I want to be swept away into a great adventure, not into another social networking medium.

Notice my struggle? Remember, read from the bottom up! Thanks Mitalia, Amy, and Pam for being so helpful!

After that long debacle (thanks Twitter for your patience), I had one last small detail to consider: Nook WiFi or Nook WiFi + 3G. This decision came down to the fact that I don't plan on purchasing loads of books with the Nook and really, where are you going to go that doesn't have WiFi somewhere? Michelle (@michelleball) put it perfectly last night:

So, I decided on just the regular Nook WiFi.
This is a pretty big decision for me — I was going to wait a few more months. But this week I was able to "pay off" my student loans (I found a private investor who volunteered to give me a check to pay off the bank and then I can start making payments to him AFTER the wedding at 3% interest — what a deal) and after all was said and paid for I had enough money left over to pay for the honeymoon and some change. This "change" is where my Nook will be coming from.

I, unfortunately, made this decision about 8pm last night and am leaving with my students tomorrow at 8am for an out of town Oral Interp meet. I'm judging — which basically means that I can read and hang out the entire day except for the hour or two when I'm actually listening to kids speak. Plus, I am not a chaperone — no attitude for me! So, I will not be bringing home this mysterious bundle of joy until tomorrow evening when I return (before 8pm). I've done my homework and I am so excited and ready for this next step in my life!

*If you're curious, I wrote this post at 10:38pm on Friday night (after making said big decision) and scheduled it for Saturday since I won't have "real" computer access while with the Oral Interp Team.
**If you counted the bolded words that was four decisions made in regards to my eReading adventure.
***Super SUPER huge thank you to Michelle at Hooked to Books for all her advice and help with this huge decision! Thanks for being so patient! I know I was a hot mess last night... er, tonight? Whatever.