Alright guys, as part of 2012 my blog goals are to improve my overall blog. I feel like I've made some steps in the right direction but there are some large (and scary) goals I still want to accomplish.
I'd like to make the switch from Blogger to Wordpress here in the next few weeks months. But I'm scared for several reasons: I don't want to lose everything, I'm not sure how it works since I own my domain through blogger, and I really REALLY love my new design from KD Designs. I've only had it for a month and I really don't want to lose it.
I know where I want this blog to go in the long run and I really believe that it starts with this huge move. If anyone could offer any advice or help I would really appreciate it. I just feel so lost and overwhelmed. I've been contemplating this really since Sheila brought it up last year when we were at BEA together and, like I said, I know this is a move in a right direction. I just don't know where to start and if I can bring my new look with me. Any thoughts?
In case you're wondering, there are several reasons I want to make this move. I love almost everything Google and I've been waiting on Google to improve Blogger for about two years and it just really hasn't happened yet. First of all, I really want to improve my SEO (which I'm still learning about) and I hear that Wordpress is really the way to go. I'd like to upgrade to this Thesis Theme that I hear April talk about (while still keeping my cute new look). Kristi keeps mentioning how replying to comments is so amazing and I want that! And, quite frankly, Shanyn sold me on it last year at BBC.:)
Now all I need is the courage and the "how to."