I've been super busy lately with Professional Blocks before I begin Student Teaching. I'm excited and glad to be nearing the end of my undergraduate career, but I find that my recreational reading is almost nonexistent. I need to get better at this. Nonetheless, This week I reviewed "Love You, Hate You, Miss You " and "Comfort Living. " I posted a Bookshelf photo and I added an Awards page.
This week I gained a follower and now have 43 amazing followers. Welcome and Thank you!
This week I'd STILL like to finish "Isabelle's Girlfriend" and "Eternal on the Water."
My running "To-do" list — I didn't get very far last week:
- Make a Blogaversary button and link it up in the sidebar
- Decide what challenges I'm going to do this year (I know! I'm so behind)
- Finish posting all the Guest Reviews sent in from my campaign for reviews
- Read through posts to make sure that they are ready to be looked at by perspective employers (every single post) — Make them professional
- Look at Reviews for spelling/grammar
- Organize Reader (even though I have NO idea how)
- Review "New Moon"
- Review "A Christmas Carol"
- Order bookmarks
- Order business cards
- Add customized header
- Empty Old Reader — Starred Items
- Transfer contacts from old to new email address
- Add tags/labels to posts
- Create a Cheat Sheet
- Get rid of "dead" links
- Write my Disclosure Statement
- Update "Series" (Suggestions on good series?)
- Manage Bookmarks (Hot mess! Woa!)
- Add a retweet button to posts — BIG thanks to Emily (@heynocupcake)