This is where I showcase what I've currently downloaded via NetGalley! Links are to Goodreads. The links that have a strike through them are NetGalley reads I've read since my last Caught in the Net post! The ^^ indicates NEW books to this list from last time.
From NetGalley
1.24 The Way We Fall by Megan Crewe 1.24 Fallen in Love by Lauren Kate 2.1 Escaping Titanic by Marybeth Lorbiecki 2.21 Double by Jenny Valentine 2.28 Hearts that Survive by Yvonne Lehman ^^ 3.27 The Invitation by Diane Hoh ^^ 3.27 Spellcaster ^^ 3.27 Goddess Interrupted ^^ 4.1 The Girl Who Owned A City by O.T. Nelson 4.1 Dying to Know You by Aidan Chambers 6.12 Lies Beneath by Anne Greenwood Brown 6.19 This is Not a Test by Courtney Summers ^^ 6.26 Dust Girl by Sarah Zettel