It has been a month since I've done a Sunday Salon post — I don't even know how that happened! Life has been crazy, these past couple of weeks I've been preparing to go into the classroom and finishing up with Professional Block classes. I've officially sent in two applications, both for here in town (one at the high school and one at the middle school). I know I've been absent — my Reader is taking over and I don't even care, I haven't stopped by to visit ANY one lately, but once Student Teaching starts, I will hopefully have more time.:)
Recently, I did purchase my own domain name (www.googlereview.com) — that was exciting. Equally as exciting, I purchased my own business cards for BEA! I received an award this week, I reviewed Lucifer Rising and Eternal on the Water. I am participating in "Just Write " — but I haven't had anyone else sign up so it looks like it'll just be me — which is fine. It means I have a lot less work to do!:)
I have gained a few followers and now have 45 amazing followers. Welcome and Thank you!
This week I need to finish "The Things That Keep Us Here." I'd also like to finish and start "Jumping Off Swings."
My running "To-do" list:
- Make a Blogaversary button and link it up in the sidebar
- Finish posting all the Guest Reviews sent in from my campaign for reviews
- Read through posts to make sure that they are ready to be looked at by perspective employers (every single post) — Make them professional
- Look at Reviews for spelling/grammar
- Organize Reader (even though I have NO idea how)
- Review "New Moon"
- Review "A Christmas Carol"
- Order bookmarks
- Order business cards
- Add customized header
- Empty Old Reader — Starred Items
- Transfer contacts from old to new email address
- Add tags/labels to posts
- Create a Cheat Sheet
- Get rid of "dead" links
- Write my Disclosure Statement
- Update "Series" (Suggestions on good series?)
- Manage Bookmarks (Hot mess! Woa!)
- Add a retweet button to posts — BIG thanks to Emily (@heynocupcake)