When I introduced Prim earlier this week I mostly talked about the process that Dan and I have gone through but I really skimmed over our experience with Prim.
Like I mentioned, she's very timid and shy. Becky left her alone with us for about three minutes right away and Prim wouldn't come near us. She cowered over in the corner and she cried a little bit; it was so hard to not just pick her up and hold her! It really brought tears to my eyes to see how scared she was and how little she trusted people.
When Becky came back out, she gave us some treats for Prim (silly that we didn't think of that initially). We held the treats out but Prim still wouldn't come near us. Then Dan, the man that he is, decided to leave bread crumbs for Prim. It was amazing to watch! He put a little piece on the floor and she got down on all floors, crawled up, and took the piece of food. Then he put another piece a bit closer to us all the way until the point where she was eating out of our hands. After that, it was smooth sailing.
While we talked with Becky, Prim went between Becky, Dan and I and her bed. She'd lie down for a bit and then come check on us and then lie down and then check on us. It was adorable. She got to the point where she'd just beg for attention by putting her head on my knee and getting as close to me as she could!
Toward the end of the visit, Becky took us into her laundry room where she keeps the dog kennels to show us her two dogs and the other three dogs that she was housing. Prim came along but you could kind of tell she wasn't impressed with us looking at the other dogs. When Becky let a small Scotty out of the kennel Prim leaned all the way into Dan, again just begging to be touched... to be loved. She wasn't aggressive at all and I know that her and Pippin will get along fine — but I'm so excited to bring her home on Monday, to give her the attention and love that she so craves, and to be her forever family!
She really is the sweetest little dog ever! We are already spoiling her (I wish I was at home and could show you the large amount of toys we've already accumulated) and neither Dan nor I have been able to sleep because we're so excited. This weekend was supposed to be a fun weekend watching the Minnesota Wild, going to the Mall of America, and eating out our favorite place (Hell's Kitchen) — but now both of us can only think of Monday and bringing Prim home! We will be sitting watching TV and we'll look at each other and say, "the next time we watch this Prim will be sitting RIGHT here!" Then we talk about, "When we have Prim... " and all the fun we're going to have as a small little family.
We feel blessed to have had the last two weeks to get ready for her and to plan ahead and to get excited, but we are SO ready to have her here with us next week!