I'd like to welcome Carla Buckley, author of "The Things That Keep Us Here, " as my guest. Everybody say, "Hello Carla."
Tell us a bit about you — who is Carla Buckley?
I’m a wife, mother of three, and coddler of two small dogs. Growing up, I was passionate about both art and writing, studied both in college, worked as an artist and a writer afterward, but it wasn’t until I decided to stay home following the birth of my first child that I narrowed my focus to writing.
How long did it take you to write "The Things That Keep Us Here?"
Six months to produce a draft I could share with my literary agent, another six months working on the feedback she gave me, then a final six months revising it with my editor.
Explain the process you went through after you had finished writing the novel.
Usually, after I’ve finished a manuscript and sent it off to my agent to be shopped to publishers, I immediately begin writing the next book. This time, however, I held off. The Things That Keep Us Here was a different kind of book to me, one that represented a huge leap forward in my writing, and I wanted to see how it fared before I re-committed myself to the writing process. The Things That Keep Us Here was turned down three times--because publishers didn’t want to touch the topic of bird flu--before it found a home at Bantam Dell, with an editor I’m privileged to call mine.
Do you have any writing habits or anything you HAD to do before sitting down to write the novel?
Years ago, a screenplay writer taught me how to plot according to a three-act structure, and that’s what I follow before I begin writing: I set up the three acts, each with their turning points, and pretty much lay out the entire novel in my head before I start.
There is a lot of scientific information that, as a non-scientist, sounds completely plausible in your novel; where did you get this information or are you a closet-scientist?
I am a confirmed non-scientist! In school, science terrified me, with all its intricacies and seeming irrelevance, and I avoided it wherever I could. It’s ironic, perhaps, that I married an environmental scientist, which allowed me to see science from a different perspective, and understand its own serene beauty. When I undertook to write The Things That Keep Us Here, I did a great deal of research: I read everything I could on avian influenza, and interviewed scientists from The Ohio State University who actually do the work that my character, Peter, does. It’s these scientists, whom I acknowledge in my book, who made the science leap from the page for me.
What is your favorite thing about your novel?
This is such a great question. I’d have to say it’s the turning point in the middle, where my character Ann, surrounded by death and fear and confusion, confronts who she really is at heart, and makes an impossible choice. For me, this is what my novel is really about: who are we deep inside, when we can’t rely on someone else to save or protect us, and how do we live with the choice we make? I’ve heard from many readers on this part of the book, which delights me.
If you had to describe "The Things That Keep Us Here" in three words — what words would you choose?
Frightening, poignant, and real
Where did the title come from?
My original title was Flu Season, which my publisher felt wasn’t a perfect match. Over the course of six or so months, I tried out other options: Six Hours, Flight Risk. My book was sold to the UK and Germany as Out of Thin Air. None were quite right. Finally, facing a catalog deadline, the senior people at Random House got together and brainstormed, and my editor called me the next morning with the final title, The Things That Keep Us Here. I’m deeply honored that my publishing house was so invested in finding the perfect title for me.
What are you currently working on?
My next book also focuses on a global threat, as shown from the perspective of the non-scientist. In it, a woman, long estranged from her hometown and her family, returns to find her sister dead and others sick from the same disease. Although I don't want to reveal the source of the illness, I will say it's based on a truly frightening phenomenon that few people are aware of, but scientists are looking into, and I predict it will start making headlines shortly.
What are you currently reading?
I’m halfway through two novels, both debuts. The Murderer’s Daughters, by Randy Susan Meyers, which is a heart-rending story about two young girls who witness their father’s murder of their mother, and how their lives are forever shaped. Meyers does a fantastic job of moving the action forward, and it’s hard to believe this is her first novel. And The Help by Kathryn Stockett. I don’t think I’ve ever read a book so driven by voice as this one is, and I’m loving every page.
Where can you be found offline?
The very few hours that I’m not writing, I’m walking my dogs, working out at my local rec center, and ferrying my children around to their various activities. Sometimes, I make dinner! My sister is my writing partner (and the best writer I know), and we regularly get together for a many-hour lunch at a local sandwich shop to pound out various issues in both our works in progress.
Where can you be found online?
My website is my online home: www.google.com. There, readers can contact me, or reach me through Facebook, Twitter, goodreads, and LibraryThing.
Any last comments?
Thanks for hosting me here, Miss Remmers. It’s always a delight to meet another reader as passionate about books as I am!
Not only do Carla and I share a passion for reading — we also have similar roots. Her husband is from Northern Minnesota and it turns out that she frequently visits my own home town of Cass Lake, MN for summer vacations!
If you haven't read, "The Things That Keep Us Here, " you are definitely missing out. This is one of the best adult fiction books I've read. Highly recommend it.
Carla, thank you so much for stopping by!