This weekend I had to drag my BFF Button to see Beastly. She hadn't read the book yet so I had to bribe her by paying for her ticket — but I just couldn't wait to see it! Plus, I watched Disney's "Beauty and the Beast" earlier that day and was on a one way track.
I loved the book by Alex Flinn — check out my review of "Beastly. " And in case you haven't seen the trailer, here you go:
If you haven't read the book yet (or don't plan to), you can still see the movie. The movie did leave something rather big out at the end that they alluded to with the cinematography throughout — but you wouldn't know it was missing.
I thought that Alex Pettyfer (Kyle) did a fantastic job and he was great to look at (scarred or not). I know that Alex Flinn (the author of Beastly) has talked to the press recently about the change in the "Beast" from her novel to the screen — most notably the loss of hair and claws. To be honest, when I was reading "Beastly" I didn't really like the hair and claws bit; it felt like it was straight from the Disney movie. I really like how Kyle looked in the film because it seemed more modern and even plausible. There were a few parts where Kyle was "stalking" Lindy (same as in the book) — but he's so good to look at I didn't mind.
I really believed Pettyfer's portrayal of Kyle — it was fantastic acting on his part (albeit a bit of bad writing). I felt his pain and his heart break and, despite my feelings toward Vanessa Hudgens, I couldn't help but sit at the edge of my seat saying "KISS HER!" several times.

Vanessa Hudgens. Vanessa Hudgens made this movie awkward — almost like Kirsten Stewart awkward. Yes, at times Pettyfer was also awkward (see the trailer) but that's just bad writing. I don't know — I just didn't buy into Hudgen's portrayal of Lindy at all.
Random: I'm really glad they left out the chat room bit.

What really made this movie for me was Neil Patrick Harris as the tutor. He did a fantastic job (as always!). I found myself looking for him on screen to be the source of witty banter and conversation. He lightened the mood without taking away from the seriousness of the story. Seriously, if for no other reason — see this movie for NPH!
This movie was well paced and the ending was perfect! I don't quite remember exactly how the book ended — but the movie ending was flawless. Again, I was on the edge of my seat the last five minutes. I liked how they didn't shy away from the fact that the story is a bit cliche: "We've all heard that story." But they did it in such a way that it was new and exciting. I never doubted the ending, but I still willed it to happen.
If you didn't like the book because of the cliches — see the movie. The movie somehow eliminates the awful "nail on a chalkboard" feelings I had when I read the book. If you haven't read the book yet, go ahead and read the book or see the movie first — it's a great story with an amazing actor (Harris) and some great eye candy (Pettyfer — okay, he's a good actor too).