The Best Reader + read-a-thon

Mini-Challenge Winnger!

Thank you everyone for participating in this mini-challenge! I haven't read all of your posts yet but I will be stopping by throughout the day! I hope your snacks are staying filled and your books are getting good!

The winner of this mini-challenge is Jenny from Dreaming of Books ! Please email Sheila at journeythroughbooks at gmail dot com to receive your "booty."

I don't have a picture of what I've surrounded myself with, but the gist of it is this:

  • "All Quiet on the Western Front" — I only have a few chapters left... Thank Goodness
  • Blackberry for all the Twitterness going on
  • Laptop so I can update my precious GoodReads statuses
  • Carbonated Water
  • A mix of Veggies/Fruit for yummy in my tummy and to prepare me for my next read — "Food Rules"
Again, thanks to absolutely everyone for stopping by! Happy Reading!

book, food, happy, hope, and more:

Mini-Challenge Winnger! + read-a-thon