"It will rekindle your love for the land of Fey and stir in you a new desire for whichever Team you root for." — Miss Remmers
Release Date: June 1st, 2011
Publisher: Harlequin Teen
Challenges: iChallenge, 100+ Reading Challenge, and eBook Challenge 2011
"A Midsummer's Nightmare? Robin Goodfellow. Puck. Summer Court prankster, King Oberon's right hand, bane of many a faery queen's existence—and secret friend to Prince Ash of the Winter Court. Until one girl's death came between them, and another girl stole both their hearts.
Now Ash has granted one favor too many and someone's come to collect, forcing the prince to a place he cannot go without Puck's help—into the heart of the Summer Court. And Puck faces the ultimate choice—betray Ash and possibly win the girl they both love, or help his former friend turned bitter enemy pull off a deception that no true faery prankster could possibly resist. "
Julie Kagawa knows what to do to keep her readers continually interested — even between books! This is clearly apparent with "Summer's Crossing" the book in between the third and the fourth book of her Iron Fey series. I mean, how many other authors do that! It's a great tool to almost tease readers between release dates. It's been a while since I read "The Iron Queen" and to be honest I had slightly forgotten how much I loved this series. When I saw that "Summer's Crossing" was available for a FREE DOWNLOAD I was excited but not "OMG I need to read this now excited." But once I started reading I remembered instantly how much I love Puck and Ash (I forget whose Team I'm on) and the entire realm of Fey.
"Summer's Crossing" is from Puck's perspective and is written and dialogued so perfectly that I would have thought there were two different authors writing this series — one for Meghan and one for Puck. I don't want to spoil anything, but there was definitely a moment where I was like: "Oh no he didn't!"
Yea, basically like that.
This novella is a must for anyone "patiently" waiting for "The Iron Knight" (Oct 25th, 2011). It will rekindle your love for the land of Fey and stir in you a new desire for whichever Team you root for.
And it's a free download so, people, you have no excuse.:)
Read my reviews of The Iron King, The Iron Daughter, and The Iron Queen.
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To the FTC, with love: Free Download from Barnes and Noble