A huge thank you to Fiona at A Reader's Random Ramblings! She's awarded me with this awesome Let's be Friends Award!
"I am now going to pass on this award to eight other friendly blogging type people, who comment, host challenges, and follow my blog. Congratulations, and display your award with pride! Please pass on the award to eight other bloggers and share the bloggy love!"
Took that from Fiona! Haha thanks again Fiona! I'd totally send this back to you if you hadn't already sent it to me!
1. Sheila at One Person's Journey Through A World of Books — I love your Morning Meandering Books!
2. Laura at Laura's Review — Thanks for all the amazing comments!
3. Megan at Write Meg — She always has some fun post going on!
4. Gofita's Pages — One of the best commenters ever! I always look forward to seeing what you have to say and love that you check my blog so often! You're awesome!
5. JoAnn at Lakeside Musings — I love JoAnn's posts like Wordless Wednesdays and all of her reviews!
6. Monique at The Little Reading Nook — Always something interesting going on at her blog!
7. Joanne at Slice of Life — I always love hearing about what she is reading — probably attributes to a huge chunk of my TBR list!
8. Marilyn at Brant Flakes — I love finding out about all the Jane Austen (ish) books she's reading!
Thanks again to Fiona at A Reader's Random Ramblings for this great award! You're awesome! Definitely check out all of these blogs — they are the first places I check out everyday (even before Facebook — gasp!)