Jane Austen Ruined My Life — Beth Pattillo
From Amazon.com...
"Emma Grant, the heroine of Pattillo’s first outing, has a major beef to settle with her literary heroine, Jane Austen. Austen’s novels taught Emma, a college professor, to believe in happy endings, but her own happy ending goes up in flames when she discovers her husband, Edward, in the arms of her teaching assistant, after which the two have her professionally discredited by claiming she plagiarized a paper. Disillusioned and disgraced, Emma flees the U.S. for her cousin’s house in England after being contacted by Gwendolyn Parrot, an elderly woman claiming to be in possession of a stash of lost Austen letters. Rather than simply handing over the letters, Mrs. Parrot sends Emma on a succession of tasks that gradually reveal a secret about Austen’s life previously unknown to scholars. Along the way, Emma reconnects with Adam, her former best friend whom she fell out of touch with after marrying Edward."
Again, I've been lucky with literature lately. This book was phenomenal! It was so easy to relate to Emma and any English major would love to get their hands on Adam! This book was really — just great. I think I might have to purchase it!
It was a great journey following Emma through Jane Austen's life through locations. It even inspired me to finally start planning my own trip to Europe in three years (I told myself I wouldn't start planning until two years away — but I just couldn't help it!). Another fast paced novel, finished in one day in a couple sittings (had to take the dog out).
I could see how one would 'blame' Jane Austen — who wouldn't die for a Mr. Darcy or Mr. Knightley? The are a bit impossible to obtain, at least I haven't found one yet (who isn't married or gay).
I will say that I was disappointed in the ending — not in the way that it was written, but in the way it ended. I'm a sucker for happy endings (not that this ending wasn't happy — it was just 'practical'). But the ending is probably better than the one I'd envisioned for the book. This book was really about growing back into your own skin and bouncing back when it seems you can no longer go on. Really, a very inspiring read. Highly, highly recommended. I will definitely be reading more from Beth Pattillo.