Read this one in one sitting... maybe I should start saving these reviews for one a day so that I have some posts saved up for when school starts back up. Nah, I get too excited that I want to share it with you all right away!
From Amazon.com...
"To impress the popular girls on a high school trip to London, klutzy Callie buys real Prada heels. But trying them on, she trips…conks her head…and wakes up in the year 1815!
There Callie meets Emily, who takes her in, mistaking her for a long-lost friend. As she spends time with Emily’s family, Callie warms to them—particularly to Emily’s cousin Alex, a hottie and a duke, if a tad arrogant. But can Callie save Emily from a dire engagement, and win Alex’s heart, before her time in the past is up?" At first, I won't lie, I was skimming the pages of this book. While I could relate to Callie with the TP on the shoe — the "pity me" tone of the book became exhausting after a page. So I skimmed probably the first three chapters (I know, I'm awful). Alright, I'll come clean — I skimmed most of the book. I read the dialogue and the interesting parts... but it was really hard for me to get into. And I don't think it's because it wasn't written well or is a bad book — I think it's because this book is clearly written for middle school and I don't have any experience really reading this level of book (well, you know, since I was in middle school). But despite the skimming, somewhere I got caught up in the book. I had to find out what was going happen (stayed up all night to do so!) The tone of the book got better as Callie grew as a character. I laughed out loud and gasped at surprise more than one occassion. I found myself drawn to the male protagonist — Alex. I wanted to know what his story was; my heart broke for Emily and Trent. When I got close to the ending I was so mad that it wasn't going to end right — I mean, really, livid. But then it did (end right, I mean). Sure, the ending left something wanting for the romantic in me. But for younger readers I feel like it ended exactly how it should. So, overall? I think this book is great for younger readers who are looking for a quick read that will bring them into the story from page one. For older readers who love Jane Austen — be prepared for the 'pity me' tone. But again, keep an open mind because the ending really makes up for it.