From Amazon.com...
"When Bella Swan moves from sunny Phoenix to Forks, Washington, a damp and dreary town known for the most rainfall in the United States, to live with her dad, she isnt expecting to like it. But the level of hostility displayed by her standoffish high school biology lab partner, Edward Cullen, surprises her. After several strange interactions, his preternatural beauty, strength, and speed have her intrigued. Edward is just as fascinated with Bella, and their attraction to one another grows. As Bella discovers more about Edwards nature and his family, she is thrown headlong into a dangerous adventure that has her making a desperate sacrifice to save her one true love."
Well, I was pleasantly surprised. I shouldn't be that surprised — what with all of the praise and all. I found myself yearning (yes, actually yearning) to watch the movie — even though I really disliked it! I'm not quite sure what that was about — but, really... I was counting my cash and getting ready to drive the thirty miles to the nearest Walmart (but then discovered that I only had $24 and couldn't afford the movie AND the gas that would be necessary to get the movie — so what did I do? I asked my parents of course to pick it up for me on their way back from a golfing tournament in South Dakota). I still don't think I'll really enjoy the movie — but just the idea of connecting with the characters on that level (alright, I'll admit it — Edward is amazingly Darcy like).
But ANYWAY!:) I enjoyed this book and found myself thinking about it when I wasn't reading it (always a good indicator of a good book). The narrative tone really sucked me in from the first page — I could feel Bella's despair of moving and I could relate to her hatred of the rain and clouds. I'm a Minnesota girl through and through — but I much prefer a sunny snowy day than a cloudy rainy day. The sarcasm really unique — I don't think I've ever read anything that I can compare it too... so honest. But it was subtle too — not over done. It was probably my favorite part of the book.
Of course, if you've read about my love/hate relationship — I should address how I feel about Bella, and I'll try not to compare it to 'movie Bella'. She seemed like she was or wanted to remain independent — but after meeting Edward she seemed very clingy and needy — but I've never been in love so it could just be me. I think I didn't hate her as much as I thought I would because I loved the narrative and tone so much. So unique and just, I don't know, against the grain. So much of YA literature seems to depict the same heroine. Bella brought a very refreshing voice to the mix.
I will say, that it really bothered me that Stephanie Meyer felt like she had to constantly remind readers that Bella was clumsy. Obviously, because of the ending, I'm sure. But still — it was over done and completely redundant. Very annoying.
And obviously, I'd better at least mention Edward Cullen. While I'm not completely crazy about 'movie' Edward — I really like 'book' Edward (gasp!). Not Darcy-obsessed, but I can see why Walmart is running with the Edward craze.
Overall, I can see why people like this book. I'll definitely be starting New Moon tomorrow, if not tonight.
I read Twilight while watching bits and pieces of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire on ABC Family. I thought it was kind of tragically ironic.