Today I'm participating in two memes — the Book Bloggers Hop, hosted by Jennifer at Crazy for Books (post here) Follow My Book Blog Friday, hosted at Parajunkee's View. I am also putting up my weekly recap... get it? "Follow My Hop Recap?"
I really enjoy these two memes because I love the community and this is the a great way to meet people and visit other bloggers. I don't ask for a "follow" — simply a "hello.":) If you like what you see I definitely invite you to stick around and introduce yourself.
This week's question from the Hop: How have your reading habits changed since you were a teen? While my reading habits have changed I feel like I'm still reading the same amount. As a teen I feel like I was given more time to devote to reading during school. What with DEAR (drop everything and read) and "down time" before and after the lessons, I always had a book with me and it was always open (unless, of course the teacher was (oh, I don't know) teaching. Now it's on me to find that time to devote to reading and it's a bit more difficult. What about you? Anyone else find that they miss how reading was "required" in school? This week's question from Follow Me Friday:
Highlight one or two titles in your personal collection that have the most interesting titles!
This is a hard question. Um... Let me go check my shelves!
This week I was on my mini-moon so I uh, I kind of slacked off. First post of the week! Whoot?