To celebrate the awesome interview I had with Nicole Barker yesterday, today will be the start of a new giveaway! I have a signed copy of "Dancing with Ana" and an ARC to giveaway — thanks to Nicole! This contest is open to all US and Canada residents (sorry world) and will be closed on August 31st.
"Beth is a lucky girl... she comes from a loving family, she has three best friends. She loves to surf and lives five minutes from the beach. She also recently discovered that the boy she's grown up with has the most amazing green eyes... Beth has every reason to smile. Every reason to be happy. Every reason to feel blessed.
Then why is she sticking her fingers down her throat?""
For entries--
+1 Comment with your email address
+3 Become a follower/Already a follower
+3 Link to '' via your blog, Facebook, Twitter, etc (leave a link, please)
+3 Join Nicole's Facebook Group: Dancing with Ana +2 Follow Nicole on Twitter @dancingwithana
+2 Sign up for the message boards on Nicole's website under the 'Giveaway Entrants' section
Only one comment is necessary (unless you need to come back later — that's good too!). But please post in the format above. Keeps it easier for me:) Please check out my review of "Dancing with Ana". Like I said, this book is perfect for mothers, teachers, and librarians (not to mention any young female in middle/high school). The language is so honest and it doesn't shy away from the issues that we, as authority figures, need to talk about with children. It's a fast read full of heart. Highly recommended.
Thank you so much to Nicole for making this giveaway possible! She's also going to send me a copy for my own classroom with an inscription for unsuspecting readers. I can't wait until one of my female students grabs "Dancing with Ana" off of my shelves, goes to sit down, and opens the book to find a beautiful inscription from the author. How awesome is that going to be! Gives me goosebumps! Good luck everyone!