Hosted by Sheila — Thank you!
I made it through the first week of teaching! Whoot Whoot! Bring on week two! I even found some time to read. Before I got into bed last Wednesday, I picked up "The DUFF." I was on chapter five. I told myself to read until chapter ten. Then I got to chapter ten and was like, "Really? I can do chapter fifteen." By the time I got to fifteen I was like, "I'm half way done... let's just finish this." (There are 27 chapters). I had to quit at Chapter 24. It was 10:30am and I was about to pass out. It was the best part of the book though, so I took every spare moment on Thursday to pick it up (to, you know, model reading). I finished it in DEAR and couldn't help but smile "outloud." I also read "Losing Faith" over the weekend. This week I'm going to conquer "Need" and "Mockingjay."
Review Books: uh... maybe next week?
My Books/Recreational Read: "Need" and "Mockingjay"
Class Books: We are on a short story unit including "The Princess and the Tin Box" and "The Pedestrian"