Last week I was awarded 'The Who Loves You Baby' award! This award is given to those bloggers whom you love and who have awarded you in the past! Pass it on!
A big thanks to Gofita's Page s for passing on this award to me! I love you too!
I am passing this on to:
Joanne from Slice of Life who awarded me with the "Zombies and Chickens Award". Joanne is a great commenter and blogger. So friendly!
Sharon from Sharon's Garden of Book Reviews who awarded me with the "Zombies and Chickens Award". One of the most caring and sincere people I've met since beginning this blog.
Sheila from One Person's Journey Through a World of Books who awarded me with the "Zombies and Chickens Award" and "Kreativ Blogger" award. Shelia is such an awesome person — she's always doing something exciting. Plus, I love her "Morning Meandering" posts. They make my mornings.
Nicole at Books and Bards who awarded me with "The Lemonade Award". Nicole is such an awesome character! She's that person online who I wish I knew so much better but I feel like she's just a mysteriously awesome person.
Gofita's Pages who awarded me with the "I Rock"Award and the "Who Love's You Baby" Award. This girl is awesome. She always reading something exciting and her blog always has something new going on.
Fiona at A Reader's Random Ramblings who awarded me with "Let's Be Friends" Award. Fiona is so active in the blogosphere — whether she's commenting on blogs, writing, or reading. This girl is one of the most dedicated bloggers out there.
The Ladybug at The Ladybug Reads who awarded me with the "Zombies and Chickens" award. I can't wait to read her book about "an anthropologist vampire who uses the principles of quantum mechanics to definitively prove the existence of fairies" someday.
Thank you to everyone! You are all so awesome and I truly feel blessed to be a part of this awesome community.:)