So Sharon, from Sharon's Garden of Book Reviews, has done it again. No, not in the naughty sense! But in the "Nominated me-for-another-award" sense! And I love her for it! Sharon is such a great person — really! She goes above and beyond all things book related! So upbeat and outgoing — I feel like should nominate her for her own award! And you know what... I just might! Thank you so much Sharon — I feel so loved and important to be one of the first ones to have ever received YOUR first Blogging Award!

Who do I visit most? Well, lets see! I'm not going to list everyone — simply because I sometimes feel as though I'm nominating the same people all the time. So I'm going to try to an expand my horizons — but it's not that I don't love you all. I do.:)
Sharon — Seriously, like previously mentioned, you think her blog is awesome (and it is)... but the blog is just a fraction of how awesome this woman is. Thank you Sharon!
Sarah — I love her taste in movies and books! Maybe because it's so similar to my own?
Maggie Shayne — I love how powerful her voice is on her blog. It's inspiring!