The Best Reader + TIME

Pinterest Project Creations for the Uncreative (5)

This Pinterest Project Creation is a little bit different than the others as it didn't really take a lot of effort or creativity (sort of).

I found this Christmas Card Photo idea (link to Pinterest Page) and absolutely loved it! So I decided to try to recreate it! Twice.

First of all, it took me FOREVER to find a strung together "Merry Christmas" sign. I went to Target, Walmart, and finally tried Party America. Even Party America had slim pickings — they only had every reflective colored signs. I didn't try the dollar store — but I will for next year*.

The first time we attempted to take the photo it was too dark out an the letters reflected (plus, the photo was NOT very flattering — so much so that I may have already accidentally deleted it from my camera. The second time we tried it was dusk and, while it isn't awful, there is this weird fog thing (demons? angels?) in the photo that was not there when we took the picture. And, you can't really see what it says — I think it's more distracting than pretty. But the rest of the picture looks nice!

Final Verdict: So, for this year*, we went without. But when I have more time and am not so rushed to find the strung letters, I would like to try this photo op. again next year. Tomorrow I'll post what our final Christmas looked like — if you're interested!

Do you have any suggestions for an uncreative person in regards to "pulling off" this photo?

book, Christmas, pinterest, and more:

Pinterest Project Creations for the Uncreative (5) + TIME