The Best Reader + sunday salon

Sunday Salon 12.13.09
The Sunday

Well, my computer is still down — STILL! It's extremely aggrivating.

I somehow managed to survive last week. I'm almost done. Tomorrow begins finals week and I have it pretty easy, I have my final HP paper (that should be a lot easier than all the rest) due on Monday and my Senior Thesis Paper on Milton and HP due on Tuesday. Wednesday I leave to represent the University at the Board of Regents meetings in Madison, SD — so I'll be gone the rest of finals week!

Sadly, due to pre-finals and what not, I didn't get around to reviewing anything (gasp!) I wont even lie to you, I haven't picked up "The Source of Miracles" since last week. Furthermore, I am no further along on my audiobook "Confessions of a Shopoholic" — but Christmas break is almost here! I did, however, get an award and I posted my first Project Blog post, featuring my Guest Reviewers post. I even posted a somewhat new bookshelf post.

Jasmyn was this week's Guest Reviewer — donating her review of Dragon's of Autumn Twilight. Please share some book love and visit her at Jasmyn's Stuff.

My new holiday campaign to collect Guest Reviews has been a great hit — we've aquired 40 reviews! Thanks to everyone who has donated! Campaign ends January 4th and is open to absolutely everyone! If you are interested in helping out — tomorrow would be a great day to start (HINT HINT!)

I still have 31 amazing followers. Thank you!

On going bit of fun: Register to win a Kindle!

My "To Do" list for blog related things — not just reading:

  • Survive finals

Happy Sunday everyone!

What did you finish this week?

award, book, Christmas, happy, review, and more:

Sunday Salon 12.13.09 + sunday salon