What is your absolute favorite part of blogging?

ISALYS: Ooh, this is a toughie! Meeting bloggers and authors? Oh, I said that already. How about… being able to compare & talk about books with other bookworms. Bloggers and word-of-mouth are really the best form of advertising so I've really come to trust the opinions of my fellow bloggers when it comes to what to read or what not to read. If it wasn't for them, my scope of reading material would be much smaller.
VANESSA: Yeah, I'd have to agree with Isalys. I love being able to chat about books with my fellow book worms. It's thanks to them that I find new and exciting books to read. I love their suggestions. Especially when it starts with"OMG you HAVE to read this book!"
- Isalys & Vanessa at Book Soulmates
The absolute favorite part of blogging — Well, when I find a new book or author that I love is always a HUGE favorite part of it all. I think I’d have to say meeting my best friend – Jessica from right here at Confessions of a Bookaholic would have to be one of the best parts to everything. She keeps me sane and is there to squeeeee over books and authors and listens to all my crazy ideas. Without the great friends you find in the blogging community it would be a lonelier place. So, I’d have to say the people I’ve met are right up there with finding a great book and author. — Lisa at A Life Bound by Books
Discussing my favorite books with other enthusiasts, finding new books and turning others onto my favorites. Right now, a blog friend is reading Jane Eyre for the first time and tweeting about it. It's so exciting to see her fall in love with a book I love. — Chris at Chrisbookaram
What is your absolute favorite part of blogging? Knowing that someone has picked up a book I've recommended and liked/loved it! — Janenifer at YA Book Nerd
Other than getting to talk about books all the time? The comradery. It really is amazing. I now have friends all over the world and we became friends because we love books and love talking about them. I have met some of the neatest people and it's all because of blogging. It's just really awesome to think about. — Jessica at The Firefly Book Loft
Hands-down, the community! With the other bloggers, the authors and most especially my blogging partners. I just love it! — Andye from Reading Teen
My favorite part of blogging is most definitely voicing my opinion. I am a quiet, shy, reserved girl, but once I am behind my computer screen I let my opinions flow. To have the ability to convince someone to read a book, a book that could potentially change their life, is such an honor. — Katelyn at Kayelyn’s Blog
The people. Above all else, the people. I have met so many amazing people and this year at the Book Blogger Conference in NY I can hardly wait to meet more of them in person! — Emma at Emma Michaels
I love everything about blogging! The other book bloggers are just so great, talking with authors is always awesome, and hearing what others think about my blog posts is interesting. If I had to pick one aspect to be my favorite, it would probably be the tight knit community that I was welcomed into with open arms. I have made better friends through blogging than I have offline, and I'm truly thankful for that. — Theresa at Fade Into Fantasy
My favorite part of blogging is being able to share pieces of me with readers. I blog on everything, so someone who visits my blog will learn a little about me. I also love being able to read and review books so that others can share in my love for reading.
- Raenice at Life, Love, and the Pursuit of Publication
Hmmmm, mine is not about blogging in particular but instead other bloggers activity, which jus happens to be the weekly meme: In My Mailbox. On Saturday (which is when most people make their In My Mailbox posts) I spend the majority of my evening constantly refreshing my homepage checking out people In My Mailboxes and then on Sunday when the IMM Mr. Linky is up I go through almost everyone's posts. I love looking at everyone's books. — Kayleigh at OnceUponABookNerd
Hmmm, it’s difficult to pick just one aspect. I actually quite enjoy the satisfying feeling of writing a solid review or discussion post that expresses my thoughts really clearly. And I love receiving meaningful comments that spark a conversation with another blogger. — Danya at A Tapestry of Words
My favorite part of blogging is when I get comments. Is that silly? It's just that you already know how much I love having people to talk about books with so the next thing on the list would be comments. That feeling you get when you open your blog page in the morning and find an encouraging comment is just great. Even when I get negative comments I’m happy because, even if there negative someone still took the time to read my post and tell me their thoughts. — Khadija at Black Fingernail Reviews
To be honest, I don’t know if I could name a favorite part. Maybe it’s the community or the exposure to new books and genres. But I really think it’s all of it. Most of the time, blogging is just a good experience. Sure sometimes I have writer’s block and can barely put together a coherent sentence but, most of the time, blogging is a joy. — Grace at Books Like Breathing
I think blogging, like writing, is a way to get your thoughts out there, even if you don't get any comments (or you don't know how to check your stats to see how many times your post has been read!) it's great to release what's on your mind. I was never much of a secret diary person, more of a chatty gossiper so blogging works well for me. — Kirsty from Kirstyes
Finding out what others are reading and raving about! — Michelle at Hooked on Books
Learning about books that probably won't be on my radar without the blogging community. Talking with others about our favorite books, genres, and anything else that comes to mind. Chatting with authors like they're everyday people (which they are).
- Page at One Book at a Time
I love connecting with other writers. It's the best!
- Bridgid at Inky Fresh Press
Talking with other bloggers and readers is my absolute favorite part! Twitter is amazing for this. I'm slightly obsessed with it (@KaitorTot) and I love talking with the other bloggers on there. I also like how blogging helps me develop my writing voice. — Kaitlyn at Kaitlyn in Bookland
Being able to share my opinions on books with a bigger audience. And letting my favorite authors know how much I appreciate them! Meeting so many interesting people around the blogosphere. — Alex at More Than Just a Book
Being able to share great books with others and having interaction with readers through comments on blog posts.
-JL at An Avid Reader's Musings
Definitely conversing with other bloggers. I have such a lovely and warm relationship with some. Bloggers who I adore and consider true friends and cherish. These are the blogggers that I instantly click with, and before I know it we have been friends for months — then years. It's why I wouldn’t change anything about my experience. I have met the most amazing people through blogging. People who have made me a better person whether they know it or not. — Aly at Fantasy4eva
*The fourth question for the authors will be posted tomorrow.
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