What is your absolute favorite part of blogging?

I love checking out other people's blogs and reviews. Waiting on Wednesday is where I get most of my new books to read, and if a blogger says a book is a must read I usually go out and buy it.
- Kayla at Midnight Twilight's Book Blog
Surprisingly, actually writing posts. I like feeling productive and like I'm accomplishing something. Next to that? Just talking with everybody! I really love just gossiping about books. Some people talk about celebrities; I talk about authors. Some people talk about television; I. also talk about television, but more than not I talk about books. — Nicole at WORD for Teens
My favorite part about blogging is getting to introduce people to books or authors they're not familiar with. It's so fun to spread the bookish love: ) — Heidi at YA Bibliophile
The writing. I have wanted to be a writer/author for a very long time but have lacked the follow through. Blogging is my first test to myself. I figure if I can start and maintain a blog consistently, I can spend the money on a class for writing too. So once I hit the 1 year mark, I'm going to sign up for a writing course to hopefully get the world I've thought up over the last ten years out of my head and onto the page, even if it is only for me! — Kelli at Scarlett's Scraps
Getting comments from my readers, its really interesting to know what they think about the books I've read and what I've written. — Abigailann at The Story Factory Reading Zone
I love the blogging community, I love sharing my love of books with others and when someone finds out about a book that they hadn't heard about, that's always very nice to see. — Cynthia at A Blog about Nothing
My absolute favourtie part about blogging is hearing back from my followers and other bloggers about my posts. All the hard work I put into them is appreciated and for someone to say they enjoyed my review and for them to go and read that book is an awesome feeling. — Megan at Reading Away the Days
The wonderful authors and bloggers, you get the opportunity to work with. Reagan at Star Shadow Blog
My favorite part of blogging is when someone comments on my posts. I love it when they like what I have to say, or the way that I wrote a review, or just if they agree/disagree with me. I guess the interaction with other people is my favorite part of blogging. — Lisa at Bookworm Lisa
My favorite part of blogging is writing everyday. I love to write and I even used to write a few stories when I was younger. Now I get to write everyday and even after a few years, I'm still loving it! — Gina at The Bucket List
Beyond the bookish friends and working on my blog it would have to be being able to help others find great books to read. I love getting an email or DM from someone telling me they picked up the book I've recommended to them and that they loved it. — Stacey at Flippin' Fabulous — A Reader's Record
I love sharing my thoughts with others and getting their opinions in return. I also enjoy reading other reviews and getting different takes on books--I love when a blogger shares my feelings on a book! I also really, really love learning about new books--I have learned to always have paper and pen nearby when I'm going through my Google Reader, to jot down new titles. My to-read list is ever-growing! -Christi at Christi the Teen Librarian Meeting people from all over the world. It's amazing to talk with people you may never meet in person. (Of course, I hope to meet them all in person one day!) — J.L. at J.L. Jackson
Sharing what I think with others and seeing if they share the same thoughts or think differently. A discussion about a book or characters in a book is always fun. — Ellen at Silver Tabby Books
Honestly, I love blogging because it provides me a forum to write and share my thoughts. It may be about something as silly as my infatuation with the Twilight series or raving about my favorite band, having a proud-mama moment about one of my children or even sharing something tremendously personal. I have never felt such liberty to be so free, and it has made me more self-aware and more forthcoming in my job and in my personal life. I feel a sense of independence that I have never felt before. This freedom and liberation is my absolute favorite part of blogging. In a close second is the community because without their support, I wouldn't feel as comfortable expressing myself as I am. — Michelle at That's What She Read
My favorite part of blogging is when I get new followers and comments, and I realize people are reading what I write on my blog. — Thia at Through the Book Vine
I love the connection with so many people in different areas and hearing about what was special to them that day. The days when I come across a new author in a genre that I enjoy is an added bonus. — Ann at Cozy in Texas
Knowing that someone out there is reading my stuff, and maybe will pick up a good book because of something I said and enjoy it. Most of my friends are not readers, so this is a great way to share all my bookish thoughts without boring them to tears. — Cat at Cat's Thoughts
Aside from the awesome bloggers and authors that one can interact with, it would have to be all the new books I have been introduced to. Since I started blogging I have read a lot of books that in the past I wouldn't have even bothered to pick up. — Orchid at The Haunting of Orchid Forsythia
When I blog about an under-appreciated, little-read book and then have a reader write to tell me they purchased that book based on my recommendation. I love nothing more than putting good books in the hands of readers. — David at Quivering Pen Blog
Meeting people who share my passion for books and sharing recommendations. I love it when readers come back and tell me how much they loved a book I recommended or found a post of mine helpful. That makes my day. — Small at Small Reviews
Ugh, I have to pick? Honestly, I love most of what is involved in book blogging. If I didn't love it, I wouldn't do it. My time is too precious to waste on doing things I hate. But even if the internet crashed tomorrow (knock on wood), I would still be as much of a bookworm as I am now, talking about and recommending books to whomever will listen. That is probably the most exciting part — when I discover (from comments) that someone is actually reading my blog! — Rachel at Jacob's Beloved's Books
Writing reviews! I always love to share my thoughts on books that i've read. Then getting some comments/feedbacks. I also enjoy reading others' reviews of books I've read before so I'll get another person's view on it. — Len at Musings of a Reader Happy
My favorite part of blogging is seeing how my reading has changed, now I have a much broader spectrum that I read instead of the very small nitch that I was reading. — Kristin at Kritters Ramblings
My absolute favorite part of blogging? Hmm.there's so much that I love about it! I really do enjoy getting to voice my opinion about books in reviews and comments. It's such a sense of freedom and not to mention so awesome when someone answers you back whose on your mental wave.
- Nora at The Bookery
The community. Books are great, but I'd be reading them with or without the blog. What I like is how many people are out there who enjoy the books I do, and that through our blogs I'm able to discover/ get in contact with them. The next best thing to reading a book is talking about it with someone. — Kim at Book Munchies
Hm. My absolute favorite part of blogging is hearing from someone that my thoughts on a book has encouraged them to give it a try. That or knowing there are other people out there just as excited as you are about a release date. — Lindsay at Just Another Book Addict
The Community! I feel like I have made great friends even if I never will meet them in real life. — Shannon at Books Devoured
*Part 3 of 3 will be posted soon.
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