Today is the second day of"Indie Reviews", a feature where I give short mini-reviews of all the Indie/N ew Adult titles I've read lately. I'll have 3 days of books that received a 4 star rating from me.

Because of Low by Abbi Glines
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This is book 2 in the series but I haven't read the first one. I really enjoyed this story. Low was a wonderful character and I really felt bad for her. I loved her best friend Cage (hot!) and Cage's roommate Marcus. It was nice that these books all contain the same group of characters. I didn't feel lost even though I hadn't read the first story. I hope to read more from this series soon.
There were times when I was frustrated by some lack of communication going on, but overall it was a really enjoyable read.
This series was picked up for publication, I believe, so it has a new cover now.

Charade by Nyrae Dawn Add to Goodreads
This was an interesting story because the main character, Cheyenne, pays the guy, Colt, to be her boyfriend for a while. Cheyenne wants to get back at her ex and Colt just wants to be able to take care of the bills since his mother is sick. I enjoyed Colt the most in this story. No, he wasn't perfect, but he tried to do everything for his mother. He just didn't plan on falling for Cheyenne. Nothing really surprised me with this book but nevertheless, I enjoyed getting to know the characters and seeing where the journey took them.

Clash by Nicole Williams Add to Goodreads
This is another title that has a new cover because it was picked up for publication. This is book 2 but I skipped book 1. I tried a sample of the first title but it just didn't grab me. I ended up trying this one out and loving it. Jude and Lucy were a great, typically, teen couple. A few parts were frustrating because of miscommunication between the two but I still enjoyed following their romance. They are dealing with a long-distance relationship now and there is a bit of adjustment going on. I do hope to read the third book in the series soon.
The Perfect Game by J. Sterling Add to Goodreads
Loved, loved, loved the first part of this book. Cassie and Jack were amazing and had such a cute story. Both characters were likable and I enjoyed the sports angle the story had. This book really had a good college vibe. Then, near the end, Jack makes a hugely, stupid decision and it was just … odd. I didn't believe he would do something like that without much thought. Some parts after that were kind of predictable but it just really took a wrong turn for me. Prepare to be angry at these characters if you read this. Overall, I'm glad I read it and truly enjoyed the first half of the book beyond belief! Book 2, The Game Changer, comes out soon and I do plan to read it.

Down to You by M. Leighton Add to Goodreads
This is another title that has been picked up. Notice a trend here? Olivia was a nice character. She is far from perfect but I enjoyed her. Then we meet Cash and Nash. Cash is the bad boy, Nash is the good guy. She knows which one she should want to be with but that isn't the case. I will say that this book throws you quite a curveball. I didn't expect that twist. On the other hand, there were still a few things that just didn't make sense to me. Like, how do you end up in bed with a guy and you're not sure which twin it is? Hmm. Up to Me is the next book in this series. I'm honestly not sure if I will read it. I don't have a strong pull to do so (unlike some other series I read) so who knows. Either way, this one is a fun story with a crazy twist and I know a ton of people who really loved it.

V is for Virgin by Kelly Oram Add to Goodreads
This is such a funny story. Val"V" is a virgin who has dis aster strike as the entire school (and beyon d) start s giving her a hard time for her choice to wait till marriage. Instead of hiding away, she starts a campaign to supp ort her cause and she's pretty surprised by how many people end up helping her with it. Then, we throw in a rocker bad boy, Kyle, who is hellbent to destroy her plan and it all creates a wonderful ly, fan tastic read. The interactions be tween V and Kyle were amazing. I loved how spunky V was and how she never backed down f rom Ky le. It was a little rushed at the end, I wanted more! But regardless, I'd definitely reco mmend this one. Great story with terrific characters.

Bad Rep by A. Meredith Walters Add to Goodreads
Another great New Adult read. It may be based on the traditional set up we've seen 100 times — girl meets bad boy, falls for him, issues ar ise, blah blah. but it was well written and enjoyable. This story does involve some *gasp* cheating… which is kind of a turn off for me but it didn't ruin Jordan's ch aracter. He wa s a bit more"nice" than I expected from the cover and summary th ough. I didn't really get the bad boy vibe as much as we see in other stories. Maysie was what I'd vie w as the traditional college co-ed, trying to survive school, make money, and have some fun. This may not be one that sticks out to me a s a f avorite but I'm still glad I took the time to read it.

Rock the Heart by Michelle A. Valentine Add to Goodreads Who doesn't love rockers?? This is one of my all-time favorite rocker books. Lane broke up with Noel 4 years ago and, through her job, they end up reunit ing. Eventually, she has to go on the road with him and she learns that even though Noel has changed, he still wants only her. I loved this co uple. The whole"rock star" vibe is very much in this story as well. I am a sucker for books where we get to go on tour with the characters. HOT. T here were times where I was frustrated with the characters but all-in-all, I'd definitely continue with this s eries and see what happens to Noel's band m ates.

Foolish Games by Leah Spiegel Add to G oodreads This was a cute story about some friends following around a bad (yes, more ba nd guys) but it takes a huge twist. Joie is pulled into a plot to help the bands reputation and it ends up risking her life. Hawkins, the love interest, was wond erful. Joie and Haw k ins have a lot of chemistry together but they also were never afraid to speak their minds. T his book also involves a stalker and I loved the whole mystery of it. I thought it was very well-written even though there were times where I just wanted them to tell the frea kin' cop s! I do plan to read the next books in this series and I love that they are based on the same characters. I really want to see wh ere they end up.