I step into his personal space and lift my hands to his shoulder blades. I press my palms to his muscular back. His head falls forward and his chest fully inflates as he draws in a deep breath. It’s the reassuring sign that I need from him. My tongue darts from my mouth and makes a pass over my lips. I lean forward and drop one chaste kiss in the middle of his back.
“Baby, please,” I croon. “Talk to me!”
He whirls around to face me, taking me by surprise. “What do you want from me?!”
“I-I just want you to talk to me. I want to make sure we’re on the same page as far as we are concerned,” I sputter out, looking to him for the words I need to hear.
“Josephine, we aren’t on the same page. Actually, I don’t even think we’re in the same book.” The way he says it is exhaustive, like I’m irritating him or something. It cuts me like a white-hot knife. “I’m not myself; I’m out of control and I don’t know how to come back.” He runs those big hands through his disheveled hair and the expression on his handsome face is one of hopelessness. I know the look well.
I step closer to him and reach for his hand. “Before you walked into my life, I felt the floor crumbling beneath my feet. Then you showed up and I had something to hold onto. Let me do the same for you. At least let me try. Please.”

Restore Me by J.L. Mac
Published: April 29th, 2013
Reading Level: New Adult/Adult
eBook edition: 137 pages
Series: Wrecked, #2
Navigating the world alone is all Josephine Geroux has ever known. Life altering tragedy struck early on for her. She endured an admirable struggle through her youth and learned the hard way how to adapt and survive. She managed to arrive at adulthood in one piece in spite of it all.
After such chaos, maintaining a life free of complications is a priority for her.
Everything changed when a man with amber eyes came through her door and claimed her heart. She fell hard in more ways than one. The pull between Jo and Damon seemed like fate bringing things full circle.
With another devastating loss looming, Jo fights to hold on to the very thing that brought her to her knees. She finds herself torn between a promising future and clinging to a devastating past.
But that’s not the most worrisome problem on her hands.
She must convince more than just herself to let the past stay in the past, where it belongs, but on her journey to find closure and resolution, she does the exact opposite. An old wound caused by a heinous act becomes exposed for what it is. The truth is catastrophic and Jo is helpless, watching as the ruins of her fragile world endure more turmoil.
Can something conceived from tragedy and malice end well? Can something so completely poisoned conquer adversity? Jo is left to make a decision; accept the circumstances she finds herself in or fight with unwavering ferocity to restore what has been damaged.
*Restore Me is the second book in the Wrecked series*
USA Today Best Selling Author,J.L. Mac is twenty-six years old and currently resides in El Paso, Texas, where she enjoys living near her family. She was born and raised in Galveston, Texas, until

she married her husband in July of 2005. She has two young children and is married to a soldier in the United States Army. J.L. and her family have lived all over the United States and have enjoyed each new experience in each new place. J.L. admittedly has had a long and sordid love affair with the written word and has loved every minute of it. She drinks too many glasses of wine on occasion,and says way too many swear words to be considered “lady-like.” J.L. spends her free time reading, writing, and playing with her children.
Website http://jlmacbooks.blogspot.com/
twitter username https://twitter.com/JaimiLMcCormick
Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/jlmacbooks
Goodreads Page http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6654493.J_L_Mac
Goodreads book link http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/17405850-restore-me
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