Low Red Moon by Ivy Devlin Publisher: Bloomsbury (September 14th, 2010) Reading Level: Young Adult Hardcover: 256 pages
Source: ARC from Publisher for honest review
Rating: 4 of 5 stars
Avery Hood is reeling from the loss of her parents--and the fact that she can't remember what happened to them even though she was there.
She's struggling to adjust to life without them, and to living with her grandmother, when she meets Ben, who isn't like any guy she's ever met before.
It turns out there's a reason why, and Ben's secret may hold the key to Avery finding out what happened to her parents…
But what if that secret changes everything she knows about--and feels for--Ben?
Review: Low Red Moon put an interesting spin on the typical werewolf tale. The first page tosses the reader directly into the action of the book — Avery's parents were murdered and she can't remember what happened. She recalls seeing a flash of silver but that's all, and the mystery surrounding their murder brings up ancient legends that some in Woodlake have long forgotten. The myth that Avery's father had refused to believe- that werewolves lived deep in the forest that he loved so much.
Avery tries to go to school and deal with her grief but soon she meets Ben. He's new and they seem to be instantly drawn to each other. Over time her and Ben discover they are connected on a deeper level than simple lust. Avery can sense Ben's emotions and he can sense hers. Their quick romance brings some magical moments to this story. But, of course, Ben has a secret that Avery soon discovers and her trust with him is put into question.
I love werewolf stories and this one was an enjoyable read. It was quick and easy to read, and the mystery surrounding the death's may have been a little predictable but I still enjoyed this book overall. The setting, a small town with a mysterious forest, was the perfect place for this story.
Characters: My only real complaint is that Avery seemed a little flat to me. I wanted to know more about her. Although she was grieving, I missed out on truly understanding her personality. By the end of the book, I still didn't know much about her. Ben, on the other hand, was a more fascinating character. I could see his desire to protect Avery and his overall emotions with more clarity. I also enjoyed Avery's grandmother- Renee. She came off as being so loving and nurturing towards Avery.
Cover: I love this cover because it is different. Plus, I have heard that the actual book has a beautiful embossed, foil cover. The trees add a wonderful touch that is very relevant to the story. Also, not sure how the final product looks but the ARC version had some extras that I hope are in the finished hardcover. The tree on the chapter pages (for chapters 1 and 2) were red, and the word"moon" was also red. The bottom of each page had trees as well and chapter 1 had them red. Ivy posted some pictures of the book here --Low Red Moon--.
The mystery surrounding this small town, full of secrets that exist deep within the forest, will have you imagining the endless possibilities of where this story could go.
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