This year we have 23 authors that I'll be featuring over 7 days and each day you'll have a chance to enter to win! There's also a scavenger hunt going on, so be sure to check out The Crossroads Tour Post to see what questions will be asked, what blog you'll be able to find the answer on and enter to win!
Today I am featuring Christine Fonseca, Dawn Dalton, and Amanda Ashby. Be sure to check out the rafflecopter giveaway, too!

1. Can you tell us 3 little-known facts about Nesy, from your Requiem series?

Three facts about Nesy? Sure…
1) Nesy loves classical choral music. She often visited churches when she was a younger warrior, sitting in the back just listening to the music. Something about it felt so sacred, so pure. She said it was the way humans remembered their angelic nature.
2) Nesy often wishes she choose a different order. I know, shocking considering how much she loves being a Sentinal. But, she tires of the pressure at times, the need for perfect control of her feelings. In those moments she fantasizes about being like Cass, one of the Anointed, healing others instead of killing them.
3) Nesy may be great with a sword, but she is even better with her bare hands. In fact, she’s disarmed many UnHoly with nothing more than her hands. She is pretty bad-ass.
2. If you could have one super power, what would it be and why?
I’d totally want to be an empath. Absolutely. I mean, being able to feel another’s emotions, know what they are hiding deep in the dredges of their soul—THAT is pure power. And like any power, it can be used for good… or evil.

1. Of all the characters you have written, which one has been the most challenging for you to write?

Probably Emma Jones from Fairy Bad Day. She had a lot of rage and it took me a long time to calm her down and stop her from arguing with everyone she came across in the book! Thankfully she also had a big sword and some killer fairies to do battle with, which helped with some of her anger issues!
2. Celeste and Cassidy are two very different characters in Demonosity. Are they based off of any of your high school acquaintances?
None of my characters are ever based on real people but Cassidy was definitely influenced by my time in college. It was the mid-eighties and there were a lot of cool gothic punks walking around the campus! As for Celeste, I basically wanted to make Cassidy’s job as hard as possible so having to be the guardian for a girl who was such a snob, seemed pretty funny! Well, funny to me, I’m not sure that Cassidy would agree with me!!

1. Can you tell us a little about the school Hope enters in Killer’s Instinct?
It’s awesome. That is all.
Just kidding. The monsters in Killer’s Instinct are different than your typical pop culture fare, which means our young hunters require some additional skills. At Le Manoir, the recruits are put through a series of mental and physical drills to help hunt – and if necessary, take down – 52 of the most wanted baddies, including the likes of Frankenstein. But as Hope and her crew find out, not everything is what it seems at Le Manoir.
2. If you were to have a chance to enter any special school like that, what skills would you want to learn the most?
Glamour immunity! I know myself, and if I ever met a handsome vampire in a back alley, I’d be easily seduced by his charm. Especially if he looked like Alexander Skarsgard. All of that acrobatic, ninja, weapons training stuff is cool and all, but if I didn’t have the ability to deflect some vampire seduction, I’d be hopeless as a real monster hunter.

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