This year we have 23 authors that I'll be featuring over 7 days and each day you'll have a chance to enter to win! There's also a scavenger hunt going on, so be sure to check out The Crossroads Tour Post to see what questions will be asked, what blog you'll be able to find the answer on and enter to win!
Today I am featuring P.J. Hoover, Lucienne Diver, Carrie Harris, and Patrice Lyle. Be sure to check out the rafflecopter giveaway, too!

1. Solstice is your first YA novel. What is the biggest thing you learned by writing YA and what was the hardest part of the journey?

The list of things I learned while writing YA could fill an entire blog post, but I’ll stick with this one. Make your characters relatable. The characters in your story should be people that your reader can relate to. It’s as simple as that. The more the reader can relate to the characters, the more they will be able to see bits and pieces of themselves in those same characters. And the more they see of themselves in those characters, the more real the story will feel.
Hardest part of the journey? Developing patience because everything takes so long. When I finally develop it, I’ll let you know.
2. For those who don’t know, can you tell us a little about the world we jump into in Solstice?
Sure! Solstice is a mash-up of dystopia and mythology, two of my favorite genres. It’s set in Austin, TX in the future when global warming is destroying the earth. For the main character, Piper, this is her world until, on her 18th birthday, she opens a mysterious present and all of a sudden this parallel world of mythology starts to explode around her. Her best friend almost dies. Piper has to travel to the Underworld to save her. And there are lots of Greek gods.

1. Of all the characters you have written, which one has been the most challenging for you to

Challenging, hmm. The main character in the super secret project I’ve just sent off to my agent. It’s dark, angsty and suspenseful, not paranormal at all… a departure for me. The main character is going through some really serious stuff. If you’ve read my Vamped and Latter-Day Olympians series, you’ll know that I write very tongue-in-cheek. There’s a lot of suspense, but it’s tempered with humor. But this novel called for a serious approach, and getting that voice down, writing a character who doesn’t take things in stride but is buffeted by the deep darkness of what’s going on around her, was very challenging.
2. You have contributed to a few anthologies. Do you find those easier, or harder, to write than a full length novel?
Infinitely harder! All of my short stories want to be novels, so to condense a storyline into a smaller space and still make it rich and satisfying… that’s a talent all its own. My Vamped series actually started as a short story called “Unlife Style,” but it didn’t stay that way. The first short story I ever had published, “The Problem with Piskies,” didn’t become a novel series, but it did get a sequel, “Imaginary Fiend” in the Strip-Mauled anthology published by Baen Books.

1. In Demon Derby, Casey is into Roller Derby. Have you ever tried that?

I WISH! I do own roller skates, and I have secret (or not so much now that I told you publicly) aspirations to skate at some point. But a few years ago, I was taking a wilderness rescue course and learning to save people who fall off cliffs, and I fell off the cliff. Rolled, mostly, but the end result is the same. I just finished a second round of physical therapy on my knee and hip, and I’m slowly but surely trying to build up my endurance. I have a few friends who skate, and they’re good at motivating me. If by “motivating,” you mean constantly giving me friendly crap about it. Which I find really funny. I think the best friends are the ones who can give you a hard time and make it hilarious. Is it just me?
2. What are 5 words you would use to describe Michael?
Inhuman, awkward, lovable, determined, and HOT.

1. Can you give us a little teaser from your upcoming book?
The Case of the Invisible Witch is the first book in the Poison Ivy Charm School Series, about a young teen witch who runs a private investigation business. It’s like a paranormal Nancy Drew!
Tulip Bonnaire has only 72 hours to figure out her latest case, or her classmate, Missy, will never be seen again. Literally. When Missy shows up in Tulip’s dorm room around midnight, she’s invisible. As in not even x-ray vision could spot her. The mean triplets who call themselves The Belles have cast an invisibility spell on poor Missy. But if Tulip can’t break the spell in 72 hours, Missy will remain invisible forever.It’s a case Tulip can’t resist — between her mom’s annoying new boyfriend and her own secret crush at school, Tulip understands how much it stinks to feel invisible. Luckily for Tulip, her two best friends and her cute, techy guy friend help dig up clues on a case that turns out to be her freakiest one ever.
2. Tell us 5 words you’d use to describe your main characters in the book?
Tulip Bonaire, the main character in The Case of the Invisible Witch, can be described as:
1) Witch PI – Tulip has to be an awesome Witch PI to keep earning her $20 retainer fee, or her discounted retainer of a cup of hot chocolate with tons of whipped cream.
2) Loyal – Tulip is loyal to her best witch friends, Soili and Alexandria, as well as her best warlock friend, Dexter. She throws pizza and root beer float parties after every case they solve.
3) Bug-lover – Tulip loves Monk the Third, her pet praying mantis. She always keeps fruit flies on hand for him.
4) Inquisitive – Tulip loves a good mystery, and the freakier the better!
5) Polite – Tulip goes to a school for polite witches and warlocks, and has to abide by “Queen Withania’s Rules of Refinement.” Tulip thinks the rules are stodgy and lame, but she does her best to follow them.

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