My Scary Story by Brenda Pandos
My overactive imagination creates interesting drama in my life, especially when I sleep. For instance, I still can’t swim alone, even in a pool, thanks to Jaws. And, for a long time, I couldn’t go potty without looking down into the bowl to check for critters. So, I avoid horror and scary things at all costs. But my imagination is very helpful with my creative writing, so I can’t go wrong there.
I’ve always been an active dreamer, talking nightly in my sleep. Many times, it’s just an endless puzzle I’m trying to solve, salt and peppered with visions of the daily events that makes so much sense when I’m half awake, but slips away once I become lucid.
So, when my husband and I were first married, I seemed to be more active than usual. I’d freak him out, frequently talking and/or getting out of bed, scared or worried about something or another. He’d just consol me (probably to get me to be quiet) and I’d go back to sleep. But one night, I woke up and saw what I thought to be an alien, flutter from the curtains, fly under our sheets and possess the love of my life before my eyes. At my gasp he tried to consol me, reaching out, but I screamed bloody murder and fought his arms in absolute panic, afraid the creature inside was coming to get me next. Once my mind became clearer and dear hubby was able to grab me and talk me down from my hysteria, I burst into tears, thankful he was still himself and not some horrible creature I’d dreamt him to be.
I’m happy to say, after nine years of marriage, he sleeps through most of my night activities except when I see spiders.

The Emerald Talisman by Brenda Pandos Publisher: Obsidian Mountain Publishing (March 24th, 2010) Reading Level: Young Adult Paperback: 280 pages
Series: Talisman, book #1 To be normal, sixteen-year-old Julia Parker would shed her empathic gift in a second. Life has been difficult since her mother's mysterious disappearance ten years earlier — an event she witnessed, but can't remember. Julia's situation becomes more complicated after a near death experience from a blood thirsty stalker. As high school students go missing it is clear there is a connection to her own experience--past and present. Someone has to stop the madness and a chance encounter with a creepy psychic foretells that only Julia is the key to stopping the madness, but it may require the life of the one she loves.

- 1 winner will receive a signed copy of The Emerald Talisman and bookmarks.
- You must be at least 13 to enter.
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- Contest is US ONLY and ends November 3rd.
- Once contacted the winner will have 48 hours to respond with their mailing address.
- The form must be filled out to enter.

The Sapphire Talisman, book 2 in the Talisman series, will be out December 15th, 2010.
- Thank you so much Brenda for the story and book donation!
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Purchase The Emerald Talisman Amazon / Barnes & Noble / The Book Depository
Book Trailer
* Check out Lisa's Haunted Halloween post.
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