Creepy.. By: Janenifer Murgia
To be honest, I had a hard time deciding which scary story I should pick – there have been a number of strange “occurrences” in my life. Then I realized the fact that I had to narrow it down to one was even scarier than the story I would be telling for this post!
It’s time to admit that I’ve lived in houses and apartments that were.. well, inhabited by more than just me or my family. My last home which was a brick double built in 1928 was probably the most memorable and by that I mean normal, family memories. I lived there for a number of years with my parents, who were married in the back yard, bought the house from my parents when my husband and I were ready for our first home and raised my two children there. It wasn’t until my daughter was born that things started to get a little strange. My husband and I would hear footsteps running down the hallway while we watched TV downstairs. Thinking it was our son, we would go up to check, only to find he was fast asleep in his bed. I would hear floorboards creaking and see a shadow tiptoeing in to peek at my daughter while she slept in her crib – and once again, my son was sleeping soundly down the hall.
Then one day while doing laundry in our basement (which was dark and creepy) I turned to find someone staring at me. It only lasted a few seconds, barely a full minute, but I can tell you exactly what he looked like – his clothes, his hair color, and the amazing realization that he was no more than three or four years old before he disappeared into thin air. I think the hairs on my arms stood straight up for an entire hour afterward. I tried to ignore it, keeping it to myself and constantly questioning what I saw and that my imagination was surely over active.
- Until my daughter told me about the little boy who sat on our coffee table every day.

Angel Star by Janenifer Murgia Publisher: Lands Atlantic Publishing (May 18th, 2010) Reading Level: Young Adult Paperback: 251 pages Series: Angel Star, book #1 Seventeen-year-old Teagan McNeel falls for captivating Garreth Adams and soon discovers that her crush has an eight-point star etched into the palm of his right hand-the mark of an angel.
But where there is light, dark follows, and she and Garreth suddenly find themselves vulnerable to a dark angel's malicious plan that could threaten not only her life, but the lives of everyone she knows, and now, she is torn between one angel's sacrifice and another angel's vicious ambition.
Divinely woven together, Angel Star takes readers on a reflective journey when one angel's sacrifice collides with another angel's vicious ambition in a way that is sure to have readers searching for their own willpower.

Lemniscate, book #2 in the Angel Star series, will be released March 21st, 2011
Find Janenifer Murgia Janenifer Murgia / Twitter / Goodreads
Purchase Angel Star Amazon / Barnes & Noble / The Book Depository
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* Check out Lisa's Haunted Halloween post.
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