This year we have 23 authors that I'll be featuring over 7 days and each day you'll have a chance to enter to win! There's also a scavenger hunt going on, so be sure to check out The Crossroads Tour Post to see what questions will be asked, what blog you'll be able to find the answer on and enter to win!
Today I am featuring Jackie Morse Kessler, Judith Graves, and Nicola Marsh. Be sure to check out the rafflecopter giveaway, too!

1. Which character from your Riders of the Apocalypse series has been the most difficult to write about?

JMK: Writing Death’s story in BREATH was the most difficult. And it wasn’t just coming up with an origin story for a godlike entity and have it mesh with human history that made it challenging. The character Death is depressed and suicidal in BREATH, and at the time I was writing the book, it was a very low point in my life. I’m very fortunate that I have an amazing support system in my family and very close friends. (Seriously, each and every one of them should have their own national holiday!)
2. Can you tell us 3 things about Xander, from Breath, that we wouldn’t know from reading the book?
JMK: Hmm. Stuff that’s not in the book. Stuff that’s not in the book. Stuff that’s… nope. Sorry. But I can tell you there’s a massive clue early on in Breath, something that indicates what’s going to be revealed at the end. But no one has mentioned it or asked me about it. It has to do with Xander’s friends. Can you find it?

Tell us 5 little known facts about Hope’s life from Killer’s Instinct?
1. Hope has seen more dead people than most morticians, but one thing she’ll never get used to – the

hallow, wheezing sounds of zombies as their lungs continue to work. It’s a reflex. Nothing more. But it’s always given her the willies.
2. She downloads romantic comedies on her Le Manoir issued tablet. Her dirty little secret. But she deletes them right away so the guys in her unit can’t use the evidence of her addiction against her. Hyde, Caddoc, and Kain would never let that go.
3. She can’t sing for shit. Don’t ever suggest a karaoke night. Ever.
4. Hope’s often thought of getting one of those medical bracelets and having this etched into the metal, “In case of death – cremate remains.” Her rationale: No body? No coming back from the dead.
5. Hope might have a deep down, won’t even admit it to herself, case of the hots for one of the guys in her unit. I said, MIGHT.
2. If you could bring any 2 paranormal creatures into a future book, what would they be, and why?
I’ve written about a lot of beasties, but two I haven’t tackled yet:
Evil paper dolls – seriously, those fashion plates make evil zombie cheerleaders look tame. And the paper cuts? Deadly.
Possessed dog – as I have three labs, this is one that actually haunts me. Man’s best FIEND, times three. Ultimate trust turned ultimate danger and betrayal. Our pets know all our secrets. Yeah, there’s a story there.

1. You write a large variety of books. What is the biggest challenge of each genre?
I’ve had over 40 books published and the biggest challenge is keeping the language fresh, making sure I don’t repeat the same words or phrases.
2. Tell us about your Halloween traditions.
Sadly, we don’t celebrate Halloween here in OZ. If we did, I’d love to throw a huge spooky dress-up party every year!

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