Debra Anastasia is here today to talk about her adult title, Poughkeepsie. I've read this book and I just gotta say… WOW! It's incredible!
Debra has been kind enough to offer up a great giveaway (sign up below) for US and International readers.

Poughkeepsie has a very emotional plot. Can you tell us what inspired this story and the main characters?
The plot was very organic. Actually, I originally thought the whole story would take place on the train station platform. So it would have been centered on only the two lead characters. But when Blake takes Livia into his world, I knew we would meet some interesting people. Beckett was a scariest to write, I never knew what he was going to say next. Interestingly, the thought of a homeless hero harkened back to a trip to New York City with friends when I was a teenager. A homeless man approached us and asked for money for lunch. We walked past ignoring the beggar, as we were taught to do by our parents. I put my hand in my pocket and realized I had five dollars. I turned around and ran back and handed him the money. He looked up and smiled so big, it put tears in my eyes. When I got back to my group of friends they teased me for the rest of the day, but there was a connection when he had smiled at me. That gentleman made me realize that he was not something to avoid, but a person. So when writing a story about an impossible love, I remembered him and thought about that connection.
Did you have any images in mind when you were creating Blake and Livia or did you just start writing?

I’m very visual when I write, so when I began writing about the train station, I picked the pretty one that is close to my in-laws. It’s the Rhinecliff station near Rhinebeck, New York. But when I thought about Livia’s commute, the commuter train doesn’t come all the way to Rhinecliff from the city – its last stop is Poughkeepsie. I was very relived when we drove by the Poughkeepsie station and I remembered how gorgeous it was.

The tattoo the three main boys have became a real symbol for their brotherly connection. I have two designs, one by Steve Zap and the other by Shannon Lumetta. I loved the tattoo so I was thrilled when it was placed on the cover of Poughkeepsie. Four readers have actually gotten the tattoo on their real bodies! I’m going to have to do something really special for them. I guess I’ll have to get it too as soon as I find my courage. One of the things I did for fun was have the tattoos made into temporary tats. So I’ve worn both designs, technically. I toss a few in as swag for anyone that gets their book or bookplate signed. (There are a few tats in this giveaway!)

The other huge symbol for me is the Cardboard Piano that Blake carries with him. I loved how a simple piece of cardboard could mean so much. When I was preparing to make the trailer, (with tremendous help from my author friend Carol Oates) I looked for pictures of a keyboard drawn on cardboard everywhere on the Internet with no luck. Then I decided to stinking make it myself. My husband drew the keys on and we took it to the train station for some pictures. Now, the piano is on a world tour! Readers are sending it to one another and taking pictures. It’s adorable and really fun.

So as far as actors in my head, I pictured Jonas Armstrong as Blake Hartt (the music clef in the tattoo). I fell for him in the BBC version of Robin Hood. He’s got a great, deep smolder:

For Cole Bridge (the cross), my tortured, would-be priest, I found Jesse Williams was a perfect fit. His eyes look endless and deep, just like Cole.

And for Beckett Taylor (the knife), the big ol’ pimp, I’ve got Daniel Conn picked out. Actually, he’s not an actor but a rugby player. Half of the images on Google have him with a bloody face, so he’s even more perfect. I would have never found him if it wasn’t for my friend Jess at Book Passion for Life! She showed me a picture and I was sold.
Bookaholic ETA:"HOLY CRAP. He's hot!"
Can you share with us a few of your favorite lines from the book?
Sure! I’ll find some clean ones for you.
“When you saw me? You saw me. And then you smiled at me like I was the same as everyone else on that platform.” (From Blake)
“It was like he’d just discovered fire, and she was the main ingredient.” (From Cole)
“Blake took her face in his hands. “You let me touch you. Kiss you. Your skin? It feels like piano keys. My hands know just where to go.” (Blake again)
“You make the rest of the beautiful things in the world cry for even trying at all. You make it hard for me to breathe.” (awww, from Blake)
Beckett’s quotes are too dirty for primetime, but he has some great one-liners.
Are you currently working on any other books we can look forward to seeing?
Yes! I’m currently writing my first book’s (Crushed Seraphim) sequel. Then I have a few I’d really love to get to. I have a superhero story and a hotel romance banging around in my head. I’ve had a few requests for a Poughkeepsie sequel, so I’m hashing out a plot for that one as well.
Thank you so much Jessica for having Poughkeepsie and I on your blog!

Poughkeepsie by Debra Anastasia
Publisher: Omnific Publishing (November 22nd, 2011)
Adult: 17+
Paperback: 384 pages
He counts her smiles every day and night at the train station. And morning and evening, the beautiful commuter acknowledges him—just like she does everyone else on the platform. But Blake Hartt is not like the others.. he’s homeless. Memories of a broken childhood have robbed him of peace and twisted delusions into his soul. He stays secluded from the sun, sure the world would run from him in the harsh light of day.
Each day, Livia McHugh smiles politely and acknowledges her fellow commuters as she waits for the train to the city. She dismisses this kindness as nothing special, just like her. She’s the same as a million other girls—certainly no one to be cherished. But special or not, she smiles every day, never imagining that someone would rely on the simple gesture as if it were air to breathe.
When the moment comes that Livia must do more than smile, without hesitation she steps into the fray to defend the homeless man. And she's surprised to discover an inexplicable connection with her new friend. After danger subsides, their smiles become conversation. Their words usher in a friendship, which awakens something in each of them. But it’s not long before their bond must prove its strength. Entanglements from the past challenge both their love and their lives.
Blake’s heart beats for Livia’s, even if her hands have to keep its rhythm. Love is patient. Love is kind. Love never fails. Love never fails, right?

- 1 US winner will receive a copy of Poughkeepsie, 2 temp. tattoos, a train schedule, and a bracelet!
- 2 INTERNATIONAL winners will receive the ebook copy.
- You must be at least 17 to enter.
- Name and email must be provided and counts as 1 entry.
- Extra entries are possible and links must be provided.
- Contest is US/International and ends March 5th.
- Once contacted, the winner will have 48 hours to respond.
- The form must be filled out to enter.

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