Thanks to Valerie at Hachette I received two copies of My Name is Will by Jess Winfield. So I have one copy for my classroom — and one to give away! I am very excited to host my first give away and I'm even more excited for it to be this book!
From Amazon.com...
"In a dual narrative, we follow both Willie Shakespeare Greenberg, a perpetually stoned graduate student, and the young playwright himself as he tentatively feels his way toward his destiny. Having spent the past two years struggling to come up with a master’s thesis in his Shakespeare studies, Willie finds himself desperately short of cash when his father cuts off his funding. He impulsively agrees to deliver drugs, including a gigantic psychedelic mushroom, to a buyer at the Renaissance Faire, traveling to the site with his latest infatuation, a sexy fellow grad student. Meanwhile, 18-year-old William, fond of wordplay and even fonder of women, agrees to deliver a package to an oppressed Catholic firebrand. Each story mirrors the other as the two young men gradually grow wiser about both the ways of the world and their own emotional shortcomings."
I get really frustrated when I go to take part in a contest and there is a list of thirty different ways to get more entries... so we are going to keep it simple.
1. One entry for becoming a follower (or already being a follower)
2. One entry for posting about my mission to recruit Guest Reviewers — with a direct link to this post — on your blog
3. Three entries for becoming part of my mission for literacy by sending in a review of your favorite book — find out how here. Please make sure (by looking on the left side bar) that the book hasn't already been reviewed. Don't let this scare you away — it can be a review you've done before for your own blog — very simple.
4. Oh, and one entry for simply commenting (with your email address)
You only need to comment once — just let me know what you did with direct links and an email with a review (if you wish to do so).
This is obviously a little bit different from other giveaways in that I'm not asking you to post about this giveaway on your blog. There is a reason for this — I did not start blogging to get a large amount of followers (although I love them and would love it if you wanted to spread the word!). I started this blog to spread the love of literacy into young adults — and I need your help (yes, you!) to grow a library full of reviews for students. So instead of asking you to blog about the giveaway, I'm asking you to blog about what's really important — spreading the love of literacy via recreational reading to new generations of readers.
This contest will be over on August 31st and is only open to US and Canada residents only (sorry!). Please no PO Boxes. Also, please remember to give me your email address in your comments — I don't want to have to hunt you down.: 0)
Expect my review up soon! Very excited to delve into this book. And thank you so much to Hachette!