3. Do you have your own blog or plan to start one? (If you have one, do you find blogging to be fun? If you don't have one, why the heck not??)

I’ve had a blog (http://blog.jerismithready.com) since September 2004. When I first started blogging, it was this magical way to interact instantaneously with my friends (and eventually readers) and spout off about whatever weird thing I was thinking about. It was more fun, inclusive, and substantive than e-mail and chats. But now, Twitter and Facebook satisfy my urge to socialize much better than blogging does. I can have an actual conversation instead of me putting out this essay and people responding.
I really admire authors who can blog well and do it consistently, but good blogging for me comes from the same well of creative energy as writing books does. So you can always tell when my writing is going well, because that’s when my blog gets really quiet.
I think authors (or anyone) should only do the stuff online that they enjoy, because that — Jeri Smith-Ready

I do have three blogs. One is on my website--nancyholder.com. Another is my live journal blog (Nancy Holder) and I am a member of the Simon and Schuster Pulse It! Community for teen readers. I wish I had more time to just sit and blog. I read a number of other people's blogs to wind down late at night, and I thoroughly enjoy catching up on their experiences. — Nancy Holder

I have blogs, but not a book blog. My author blog is at www.KristieCook.com and my writer blog (yes, there’s a difference, this one is for other writers) is at http://a-musedwriter.blogspot.com/ I would love to have a book blog but I would want to give it the time and love needed to make it as great as this one. If I did that, I’d never get another book written, which could upset a few people, including myself. — Kristie Cook

I have had a blog since 2004. I’ve chronicled my writing career, my books, my trips to England and other far-flung places. Now I currently maintain two blogs – one for the main JanaOliver.com website and one for the UK DemonTrappers.co.uk site. Sometimes the main website content is mirrored on the UK blog, but most time the UK has a different bent. It’s quite a challenge to come up with interesting articles to post. I’m not as polished as some, but I do enjoy it. — Jana Oliver

I tried blogging, but it doesn’t come naturally to me. While I can lose myself in writing fiction, writing a blog is, in a way, baring my soul (without the shield of fiction!) I used to write book reviews for newspapers, and when my first book came out, I found I couldn’t do it anymore. — Julie Chibbaro

I totally have an author's blog and I love it. There's so much more to blogging than just"dear diary." A lot of work goes into it, and the potential for fun is endless. — Janenifer DeLucy

I do indeed, at www.hollycupala.com. I blog about beloved books, events, and of course lots of secrets about Tell Me a Secret and Don’t Breathe a Word. One of my favorite series ever was when a bunch of YA bloggers guest posted for me on What YA Bloggers Want. It was a lot of fun to see what they said—and helpful for me as an author. Thank you for participating, Jessica! — Holly Cupala

I blog! At http://bethrevis.blogspot.com. I blogged for years before I got my book deal and I adore the blogging community. — Beth Revis

Yes, I do have a blog on my website, and blogging is definitely fun! I enjoy writing about different topics that will hopefully be of interest to readers. — Lorraine Zago Rosenthal

I do have a blog as part of my webpage, and I usually use it to make announcements and share reviews of the books that I'm reading. I'll admit that I'm not that active with it, but it's a great way to keep in contact with people and respond to news and stuff. Having it linked to Goodreads is really great because I've been lucky enough to find a lot of readers over there. — Jason Letts

I have a blog, but it's for my shameless promoting. lol. I wish I had more time to review books on there and write other stuff. Maybe one day when my preschoolers are older. — Brenda Pandos

* The fourth question for the bloggers will be posted tomorrow in 3 parts. USE GOOGLE if you want to know more about the blogoversary celebration.