What is your absolute favorite part of blogging?

I think its when you get that one comment that just makes everything you do all worth it. — Yara at Once Upon a Twilight
Getting to know other bloggers! Although I should also mention, getting book recommendations, then falling in love with the book. I can't be eternally grateful enough to the blogosphere for introducing me to a TON of amazing books. — Audrey at holes In My brain
The people, all the way. Both bloggers and authors. I've contemplated giving blogging up a few times, but in the end I never want to lose the community aspect of it all. So I keep going. — Amanda, Another Book Junkie
Reading others posts and reviewing books. — Kate at Ghost of the still
Honestly, it would have to be all the awesome people that I have met! The book blogging community is the BEST! — Missy at Two Readers Reviews
I love getting to know authors, many that I have met are fans like me and just enjoy reading and creating something for everyone to enjoy. I have had two major fan-girl moments and I know all have many more to come. One was meeting Laurell K Hamilton at comic con one year, she was super sweet and was so happy I enjoyed her writing. The other was Sherrilynn Kenyon, my goodness she was such an awesome person and we chatted a bit about those awesome Dark Hunters in her books.
- Kristen at Seeing Night Reviews
My favorite part of blogging is getting to network with a bunch of awesome people.
- Darla at DforDarla's Definite Reads
Easy! Sharing our passion for books! I love sharing my excitement with others, and I find most of my wish list reads through other bloggers. It's so amazing to be surrounded by other book lovers! — Tynga at Tynga's Review
I love everything about blogging, but mostly I love knowing that people share my same crazy interests & obsessions. The contests are fun too; -) — Jane at At Random
Finding new books and bloggers. I have added tons of new books to my TBR list because of blog memes, blogger recommendations or reading reviews from other bloggers. The reason I started blogging was, of course, because I had a huge love of reading. So gaining new book recommendations is one of the best parts. I also love meeting new bloggers. It's fantastic to be able to talk books with someone who shares that love of reading.
- Aimee at Coffee Table Press
My favorite part of blogging is when you get people excited about
something that they've never been excited about before, like getting a
non-book-lover to enjoy reading, or when mentioning a relatively
unknown book suddenly puts it on people's radar. — Alethea at Read Now Sleep Later
I put a lot of thought into my reviews, so I feel a strong sense of accomplishment when I post them for the world to see. — Jessica at Brief Book Reviews
Reading and writing and getting to know fellow bloggers!: ) — Shirley at My Bookshelf
Being able to share things I've learned about or been a part of with my students. When I share that an author dropped by the blog or the release date of a new book, they get excited and that's wonderful to me. — Jill at The O.W.L
It's a toss up between discovering new books that I never would have heard of otherwise, AND talking with this group of people who get my love of books in a way that no one else does. — Ashley at Book Labyrinth
The discovery. Before I started blogging, I was an avid reader, but in a very limited way. I stuck to the tried-and-true, the familiar authors I knew I'd like before I even picked up the book. After blogging, I realised that I ought to branch out more and give new things a try. I found free books online (legally free, mind you), and took chances on authors I might not have looked twice at before but because the price was right, I figured it couldn't hurt to give them a chance. I wasn't disappointed. I've discovered new and awesome authors this way, bought their books, and become a fan. I love discovering new and good things!
I also love that blogging gives me a chance to exercise my writing muscles, so to speak. I love writing, and here's a little excuse to do it regularly! — Ria at Bibliotropic
Oh, gosh. I can't choose my absolute favorite. I love getting to squeal over pretty, shiny new books (especially the ARCs), interviewing fabulous authors, giving away (and receiving) swag and new books, and just hanging out with bibliophiles like me. — Lucia at iLive, iLaugh, iLove Books
The interaction between the other bloggers. It's often hilarious, sometimes emotional, but always friendly. — Rie at Mission to Read
Argh, just one?! Um… the people and the community. While I (obviously) love books, reading and writing about books and reading, I don't think it would anywhere near as fun if I was doing it by myself. I also think it's amazing that people out there care what I think! I've found more fantastic books in the past 6 months from book bloggers than I would normally find in years. It's astounding how quickly my TBR list has grown… — Lisa at BaffledBooks
Coming across little known books I wouldn't have stumbled on otherwise and getting to sing their praises to all my readers. Also pet chatting with other bloggers is pretty funny. — Rhiannon at The Diary of a Bookworm
I love sharing my feelings about books that I love, and adding onto that, I absolutely love when I get comments about how my review or something I said about a book made someone else want to read it, or add it to their to-read pile. To me that feels amazing, it's the same feeling I get when I convince my friends to read a book. It feels good knowing that I'm spreading the love for a certain book, and that someone else will get to enjoy it just like I did. In the case of books, sharing is most definitely caring.: ) — Ambur at Burning.x.Impossibly.x. Bright
I love comments. I know it sounds weird and maybe stuck-up, but knowing that someone out there is actually reading your blog is the most amazing feeling. When someone says they want to check a book out because of a review I do, that is great too. — Katie at Books are Dreams
My favorite part of blogging so far has been the relationships I have built with other bloggers. I have definitely made some lifelong friends and I am extremely grateful. — Kate at I Just Wanna Sit Here and Read!
My absolute favorite part of blogging is getting to meet all the other bloggers and being able to talk with authors. I always knew there were people out there who loved books and reading as much as I did but I was never really able to connect with them like I do now. — Emilie at Emilie Book World
My favourite part of blogging, whether on my book review/author interview site, or on my personal blog, is making connections. Also, writing forces me to examine my opinions and subjects with a lot more depth than I would if I were just spouting off my opinions at a family dinner or at the staff room table. Blogging for the public forces me to be more accountable. — Kim at Fresh Fish and Foolishness
COMMENTS! They make me feel so special and can seriously make my day.: ) — Jackie at Teen Book Guide
*Part 2 of 3 will be posted soon.
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