The Best Reader:
Entangled Publishing
Cover Reveal: Luminosity by Stephanie Thomas
Cover Reveal & Excerpt: Pretty Amy by Lisa Burstein
Tour: Interview & Giveaway — BABY, IT'S COLD OUTSIDE anthology
COVER REVEAL: Olivia Twisted by Vivi Barnes
Cover Reveal: Inbetween by Tara Fuller
Tour: Guest Post & Giveaway: OPAL by Janenifer L. Armentrout
Entangled Under the Mistletoe Holiday Hop and Twitter Party!
Tour: Guest Post & Giveaway: LUMINOSITY by Stephanie Thomas
Haunted Halloween with Lea Nolan and a Giveaway
Haunted Halloween with Chloe Jacobs and a Giveaway
Cover Reveal: Obsidian by Janenifer L. Armentrout