The Best Reader [Search results for children's books]
Going Into the Wild: Exploring New YA (July 1st- 13th)
Going Into the Wild: Exploring New YA (August 1st-15th)
Going Into the Wild: Exploring New YA (January 1st-15th)
Kiddie Korner: Tangled
SD Festival of Books 2010
The Rights of the Reader — Daniel Pennac (Translated — Sarah Adams)
Going Into the Wild: Exploring New YA (May 1-31)
Going Into the Wild: Exploring New YA (January 16th-31st)
And Tango Makes Three — Peter Parnell and Justin Richardson
2011 Debut Author Challenge
Review: Graffiti Moon by Cath Crowley
Review Policy
Kiddie Korner: Of Thee I Sing: A Letter to My Daughters
Review: Hex Hall by Rachel Hawkins
Elmer the Christmas Elf — Marilyn E. Randall
Tour Guest Post & Giveaway: Trafficked by Kim Purcell
Tour Review: Fracture by Megan Miranda
Review: Demonglass by Rachel Hawkins
In My Mailbox 8.16.09
Thanksgiving at the Inn — Tim Whitney