This past weekend Sheila (Book Journey) wrote a fantastic post on her love of audiobooks and some great recommendations. But this isn't the first time Sheila has mentioned audiobooks, if you look on her sidebars you'll see what she's listening to in her car, in her kitchen, and on her ipod! I've always loved how Sheila is always moving and reading at the same time.
It was probably when I first started talking to Sheila some two years ago that I started thinking more and more about audiobooks. While I never actually tried to listen to one until just recently, I did find myself thinking about them more than I ever had before. During all of those mundane tasks and chores that I loathe I found myself thinking "Wow, I wish I could multitask" or "I'd so rather be reading a book." Conversations similar to that continued in my head for, as I said, years.
It wasn't until this past spring when I was traveling from SD to ND to visit D and was in the car for 14 hours that I decided "enough was enough" and that I just couldn't waste all that time driving and accomplishing nothing — you know, besides getting from point A to point B in one piece. So I started listening to "Eragon " — a book that I've meaning to read for years. I only listened during the long car trips and even then (I'll admit) I may have switched back to the radio or ipod for a few odd hours at a time. It took me months to finish it and many renewals from the library — but I finished.
By the time I was nearly finished it was the 4th of July weekend and I was headed to Northern Minnesota to visit my parents. D had to work so it was just me and the dog. I knew I'd finish "Eragon" before I was 40 miles away so I stopped by my library and picked up "Wintergirls " — another great "read" that I finished during that one trip.
And then I was done. No more big trips. No more need for audiobooks.
And then all of those thoughts returned: "I'm so bored folding this laundry," "I hate doing dishes," and then the worst: "I wish this darn dog would walk himself." No, really. (This will seem like a random tangent but I swear it relates) So I have this overweight Golden Retriever — Pippin. Throughout my college years Pip obviously stayed with my parents. Now that I am officially an adult with a house and a job and a husband, Pip has come to live with us. D and I are on a mission to "healthy up" his lifestyle with loads of walks, no table scraps, and a strict diet. (I swear this has a point) Pip and I go on about four or five walks a day around our neighborhood with each walk being a half of a mile and fifteen minutes in length. About the time that that last comment erupted into my brain I realized that I was wasting fifteen minutes of my day at least four times a day — an entire hour!
Now "wasting" may be a bit harsh as each of those minutes is being spent with the most lovable overweight dog ever — but still. At about that time I was talked into buying an iPhone. Now (without continuing this tangent longer than necessary) I have an iTouch that I adore and I don't really plan on moving my music over. So with my new "empty" iPhone in tow, we went to the library and I swear got six audiobooks including "All Together Dead," "The Giver," "The Maze Runner," "Speak," "Entwined" and a few others I can't exactly remember at this point. Now, along with Pip, I'm excited for these walks (apart from picking up poop). They no longer feel super tedious and I feel like I'm being productive while actually being productive. I recently finished "The Giver" and "Entwined" on these daily walks with the dog.
I also started listening to audiobooks on my way to and from work (summer school). I found that in one day's running (to work, from work, to the library, to the bank, to the post office, to the grocery store etc) I can almost finish an entire disc! Simply while running errands — isn't that crazy! I thought it would be hard to pick up and put down so many times, but it went really smooth and flawless. I finished "All Together Dead" this way and loved how even the most mundane and boring task (like going to pick up dog food at 10pm because we forgot earlier) is now no longer a waste of time. Now that summer school is out I'm not driving as much anymore this poses a bit of a problem because I do end up forgetting the story line a bit. As a result I've had to take out the audiobook and put it on my iPhone so instead of listening to two audios at a time (walking and driving) I'm really only listening to one (walking and sometimes driving).
Now I listen to books while I do dishes, cook, scrub the floor, clean the bathroom, etc etc.
Since June 1st I've "read" nine books and five of them have been audiobooks and three of those audios have been in the last two weeks! Audiobooks have definitely pulled me out of this summer reading slump I've been in. As a result of Sheila's post I've added even MORE audiobooks to my library loan list and I don't see that stopping for a while. If you're a fan of not wasting time in your busy lifestyle, I highly recommend attempting to listen to an audiobook. Of my limited experience, I'd recommend "Wintergirls" by Laurie Halse Anderson to anyone interested in delving into the world of audio for the first time but I'm sure by the end of the summer I'll have even more audiobooks to recommend.
For the more experience audiobook club, any recommendations?
I told you the whole "dog walking" story had a point.:)
"This book has changed my life, as an educator and as a person." — Miss Remmers From
"In his bestselling book, Teach Like Your Hair's on Fire, readers were introduced to Rafe Esquith and his extraordinary students in Hobart Elementary School's Room 56. Using his amazing and inspiring classroom techniques, Esquith has helped thousands of children learn to maximize their potential. In Lighting Their Fires, Esquith shows that children aren't born extraordinary; they become that way as a result of parents and teachers who instill values that serve them not just in school, but for the rest of their lives. Framed by a class trip to a major league baseball game, Lighting Their Fires moves inning by inning through concepts that help children build character and develop enriching lives. Whether he is highlighting the importance of time management or offering a step-by-step discussion of how children can become good decision makers, Esquith shows how parents can equip their kids with all the tools they need to find success and have fun in the process. Using examples from classic films and great books, he stresses the value of sacrifice, the importance of staying true to oneself, and the danger that television can pose to growing young minds. Lighting Their Fires is that rarest of education books: one that explains not just how to make our children great students, but how to make them thoughtful and honorable people."
I was a little apprehensive before reading this book, it's the first in its genre that I've read and I was afraid it would be uninteresting and more of a 'how to' book.
I was wrong.
A few pages into this book and I realized how absolutely life changing it would be. Esquith effectively illustrates the importance of raising kids by using the analogy of a baseball game. He explains the importance of teaching children the importance of being polite, being on time, and taking responsibility for their learning. One of the things I love most about this book is the way that Esquith draws from other literary sources, whether it be Shakespeare and Mark Twain or Dr. Seuss. This book is filled with wonderful quotes that pertain to each topic presented. As a future educator, I also particularly loved when brings up specific books that teach kids a particular lesson, such as Inherit the Wind, Hamlet, or Oh, the Places You Will Go!
Without a doubt, this book has changed my life, as an educator and as a person. After reading this book, I googled Rafe Esquith and discovered how much of an impact he has had on education. Below are a few YouTube videos that I find absolutely inspiring. I highly recommend this book.
Favorite Quotes: "Regardless of a child's personal choices, with direction a young person can be shown the importance of time" (14). "It's essential for students to understand that three wasted minutes translate to an hour of missed learning opportunities per month. The best high school teachers value every second they can spend with their students, and burn from the word go" (15). "Would it be such a terrible world if we raised saints and poets?" (26). "I wasted time, and time doth now wast me" (35). "Extraordinary young people are not necessarily brighter than their peers; they have merely developed sharper vision and see the picture more clearly" (78).
**Thanks to Caitlin from FSB Associates for sending me a copy of this amazing book
BBPON: March 7th-11th Join here:
I remember hearing about this conference last year but I decided to wait till this year to attend. I'm really excited to check it out and hear from all the great speakers!
List of SpeakersSue Grimshaw - Random House Publishing Group Jennifer Bonnell- Penguin YA Editor Lindsey Rudnickas – Netgalley Kristen Lamb – WANA Consulting Don Dauria- Samhain Publishing Kate Lied – Bloomsbury Publishing Ariel Tachna – Dreamspinner Press Danielle Poiesz – Book Country
Wednesday – March 7th – Full Schedule
Panels – Opening Day Where do Books Come From: Review Copy Distribution – Netgalley – Goodreads – Publisher Blogs:, Romance at Random, USA Today Book Blog – Review Guidelines: Don’t be Overwhelmed
Thursday – March 8th – Full Schedule
Panels – Working with Authors Approaching Authors – The Creative Process for Authors and Bloggers – What Authors look for in Reviews – Publishing: The Options Authors Have Now – Should Authors Review? Genre Discussions: Category Romance – GLBT – Inspirational – More TBA
Friday – March 9th – Full Schedule
Panels – Industry Day What PR Departments do – Working with Private PR Companies – Blogging’s Role in “Traditional” Media – Building a Relationship with Publishers – Obligation to Publishers: What are the Expectations?
Saturday – March 10th – Full Schedule
Panels – Young Adult Focus – Online Safety – Keeping Social Media Social – Review Guidelines: Defining Your Blog Negative Reviews: Fallout and Fears – Finding Independent Presses and Mis-use of the Term – To Review or Not to Review Self-Pub What Bloggers Want: Don’t make Publishers Read Our Minds – Book Blogging as a Business?
Sunday – March 11th – Full Schedule
Panels – Time Management – Online Organization Specialist – Writers Block: Creativity Coach Covers: How Important are They? – Graphic Novels: Reading and Reviewing – Meet Your Local Book Store – Blogger Manifesto 2012
Please read:The post you are about to read is 100 % **Role Play All the characters represented here ( @The_Omega_ ) with the exception of Lisa and myself are **Role Players from a group on twitter. They have agreed to role play with us to help celebrate not only our Halloween Event, but also to help share our love for the Black Dagger Brotherhood series by author J.R. Ward, as these Role Players are also huge fans of J.R. Ward's works. PLEASE BE AWARE THAT NO ONE with this site/blog, Lisa's site/blog nor the role-playing group — which you can find with the list of twitter accounts provided — is in any way, shape or form connected to or affiliated with J.R. Ward. No one present or represented here is J.R. Ward, nor is the role playing intended for any purpose other than the personal enjoyment of the Role Players involved. My First Prank By @Vishous_BDB In the Bloodletter’s camp there is a cave with ancient markings on the wall. Images of bison and horses and palm prints and single haunting eyes line the walls. The Bloodletter likes to keep the soldiers of the camp on edge so he convinced them the cave is haunted by the spirits of the animals. No one goes near the cave. While I was a pre-trans in camp a place I could be alone and have a few minutes of peace was highly coveted. I went to the cave to read the diary that was left behind by Darius. In camp, reading was considered a waste of time. I knew if the Bloodletter was aware of what I was doing he would destroy the book just to hurt me. The bastard got off on shit like that, especially when it came to me. During my transition the females told the Bloodletter they refused to feed me because they believe me to be cursed by the spirits. They thought my eye and my glowing hand were curses from the cave. No one wanted to be near me. My father made sure everyone knew of my curses by having warnings tattooed on my face, my hand, and my thigh. I left the camp that night, barely alive after being subjected to the most horrific forms of torture. After many years I learned more about my curses and how to use them. Actually, I had mastered them. One night I decided to check in on dear old dad. So I went back to his camp. As I suspected, he was still there, still running camp as he always had. He continued to instill fear in the pre-trans by insisting the cave was haunted. I decided to help him believe his own lie. I went into the cave and hid in a crevice known only to me. When I could sense him walking by on the way to the pit I lit up my hand creating a glow that bounced off the cave wall. It made the wall markings appear to dance in the light. I could hear his heart beat race with fear as he stopped and stared for a moment. It was a moment of victory for me unlike any other. To see that bastard scared speechless was indescribably satisfying. But I wanted to scare the shit out of him. So I lowered my voice as deep as it would go and threw in some bonus moaning noises. His heartbeat raced even faster.
“Bloodletter,” I called out in a ghostly voice “You have offended the Great Spirits. You must make amends.” I tried not to laugh as I heard him suck in a breath. He looked around seemingly unable to comprehend what was happening. He started to stutter unable to form a complete word. I started to bang around on the walls, the noises echoing in the cave. He finally sputtered out “What must I do?” Since I knew he truly feared the spirits of the cave, I said “Within these walls you must stay. Until we release you”. I could smell his fear, hear his heart racing. His breathing was labored. “No. I can give you anything else. I will give you any of my men or women from the camp. Or I can kill any one of them as a sacrifice to you” he cried out. My voice boomed,” How dare you try to bargain with me!” I could smell his fear increasing until it was so thick in the air you could cut through it. I inhaled the scent, letting it fill my nose. “You will stay in this cave or we will posses you and torment you in front of your men, making you beg us for mercy for all to see.” I let the light from my hand get brighter and brighter. The shapes on the walls continued to move and dance in the light. Finally, he gave in. As soon as he walked into the cave I stopped glowing, blanketing the cave in darkness. The Bloodletter’s fear was so great I could hear him whimper. “You must go deeper into the cave.” I whispered. As he went in deeper I continued to bang around, dematerializing and materializing all around him so he was surrounded by the movement but still unable to see the cause of it. He was so shaken by fear of the spirits that he just continued walking deeper into the cave with his eyes covered. I knew that he was afraid that if he looked upon the spirit he would be possessed by it. Finally when I could hear him begin to cry, I said, ”You must stay within these walls until you are released. Do not try to escape or you will be punished. “Then I dematerialized out of there. I often wonder how long he stayed there. I smile every time I think of it. That was my first prank. I think it may be my best.
If you would like to follow along with the Role Players that @Vishous_BDB is part of, please USE GOOGLE to easily follow each character within the group. And trust me, you don't know what your missing! So hurry and follow today!
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@FritzDoggen_BDB Online: (updates, notes and information on the Twitter Role Playing Group)
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Order All 8 books in the Black Dagger Brotherhood series and Preorder book 9 Online here:
Amazon | Borders | Barnes and Noble | The Book Depository
**Role Play
–verb (used with object) 1. to assume the attitudes, actions, and discourse of (another), esp. in a make-believe situation in an effort to understand a differing point of view or social interaction: Management trainees were given a chance to role-play labor negotiators. 2. to experiment with or experience (a situation or viewpoint) by playing a role: trainees role-playing management positions. –verb (used without object) 3. to engage in role-playing.
Thank you so much to @Vishous_BDB and all the other characters from the Black Dagger Brotherhood Twitter Role Play group for all the time and effort they have been putting in to help us celebrate not only Halloween and our event, but also our love for all that is the Brotherhood and J.R. Ward. * Check out Lisa's Haunted Halloween post.
*Reminder: If you are interested in the COMMENT CONTEST, remember to include your email address with your comment for an extra entry! Please read full entry rules here.
The post you are about to read is 100 % **Role Play
All the characters represented here (please see the list of all Role Players provided below ) with the exception of Lisa and myself are **Role Players from a group on twitter. They have agreed to role play with us to help celebrate not only our Halloween Event, but also to help share our love for the Black Dagger Brotherhood series by author J.R. Ward, as these Role Players are also huge fans of J.R. Ward's works.
PLEASE BE AWARE THAT NO ONE with this site/blog, Lisa’s site/blog nor the role-playing group — which you can find with the list of twitter accounts provided — is in any way, shape or form connected to or affiliated with J.R. Ward. No one present or represented here is J.R. Ward, nor is the role playing intended for any purpose other than the personal enjoyment of the Role Players involved.
Warning: This story contains mature and adult themes.
L/J: *nervously speaking* Wrath, Beth… everyone – thanks so much for having us. We’re excited that you agreed to let us visit with you. We hope you don’t mind us just throwing out questions while we’re here?
@FritzDoggen_BDB: Would you care for some refreshments? *holds out tray of wine and crepes*
L: Thank you @FritzDoggen_BDB *takes a glass of wine* J: *takes a crepe* Wow, Fritz these are amazing. You are a wonderful chef. Thank you.
@FritzDoggen_BDB: *smiles brightly* You are too kind. @Wrath_BDB: *studying the Monopoly board, but briefly stopping to nod once at the humans, then taking a crepe.* @BethR_BDB: We’re happy to have you. @Rhage_BDB: *smiles* We love to talk about ourselves. @Phury_BDB: *laughing* Well, @Rhage_BDB loves talking about himself, anyway. @Butch_BDB: *shakes head* Nah, babe. Have at it. @Rehvenge_BDB: *glances up from Monopoly board which I am pulling a Trump on and nods briefly, not wanting to miss @Zsadist_BDB’s trip to jail* @Zsadist_BDB: * gives a quick nod, directs attention back down to board, eyes turning black, growling at @Rehvenge_BDB, before moving thimble to jail* @DocJaneW_BDB: *Looking up from the plans, smiling* It's good to have you. @Vishous_BDB: *pulls down Red Sox cap and nods* @Tohrment_BDB: *taking a deep breath* Ready as I'm ever gonna be. @BellaR_BDB: *glances up from Nalla, who is playing with her hair and smiles* Not at all! Ask away. @MarissaH_BDB: *smiles warmly* We’re happy to have you here. @CormiaC_BDB: Yes, it’s lovely to meet some new people. @Lassiter_BDB: *glowing* Ask away. I know how fascinating I can be. @Vishous_BDB: Oh great, who invited the loud mouth? @Wrath_BDB: *groans* Sure as hell wasn’t me. @Blaylock_BDB: *smiles* I would be happy to answer your questions, thank you for coming. @Qhuinn_BDB: *gives L and J a lingering up-and-down look and a smile* The pleasure is all mine ladies… ask away.
L: *smiles* so, how is everyone?
@Wrath_BDB: *forgetting all about @Lassiter_BDB being here and glancing over at @BethR_BDB on the floor, playing with Nalla* We’re great. @BethR_BDB: We are doing great, thanks for asking. @Butch_BDB: Great thanks. @Rhage_BDB: *looks at @MaryL_BDB* Great. @Vishous_BDB: *lights up a hand rolled* @Lassiter_BDB: I’m great. There’s a Mary Tyler Moore marathon on. @Phury_BDB: *looks around at everyone, smiling* I’m with the Cop. Doing great. @Tohrment_BDB: *running my hand over my head* Just getting my bearings again, but better than I've been in a long while. @MarissaH_BDB: I’m quite well this evening. Thank you. @CormiaC_BDB: *looking up from plans for the medical center* Very well, thank you. I hope you are both well, also. @BellaR_BDB: *smiling warmly* Very good, thank you. How are the two of you? *glances at both of you* @DocJaneW_BDB: *beaming* I'm great, excited about the new plans. I apologize if I'm a bit preoccupied. @Blaylock_BDB: *pausing our xbox game* I am doing great! Kicking @Qhuinn_BDB’s butt at the moment. *laughs and ducks away from Qhuinn as he tries to punch me, but only grazes my arm* @Qhuinn_BDB: I’ll be a helluva lot better after a few shots of Herradurra. Hey, @FritzDoggen_BDB, would you mind bringing me some limes and salt? @FritzDoggen_BDB: *nods and leaves to find limes and salt*
L: I’m great thanks – really excited to be here with everyone. *looks up at everyone around the room* J: Yeah, we’re both really excited to be here. We’ve been so busy planning this Halloween event that it’s great to take this time away to hang out with everyone. *small smile* Oh, I know something that I’ve wanted to know… What’s the hardest part about living so close together?
@Wrath_BDB: The lack of privacy. *grins towards @BethR_BDB* @Rehvenge_BDB: *feels overwhelming gratitude to NOT live here* @Zsadist_BDB: Keeping people out of your shi.I mean biz. @Butch_BDB: *laughs* I take it you haven’t smelled the gym. You’d never ask that if you have. These bastards stink.
L: *wrinkles my nose*
@Butch_BDB: *laughs* Yeah, that’s what I’m talkin’ about. @Vishous_BDB: Getting to the food before Rhage eats it all. *nods head to Butch* His snoring. Wondering why the sin eater and that one *points @Lassiter_BDB* are always here. @Butch_BDB: Hey man, you can’t possibly hear me snoring through the walls. @Vishous_BDB: I have vampire hearing. I hear everything. @Rhage_BDB: *glares at V* Hey there is plenty of food left for you. Sometimes. @Phury_BDB: It’s not really a problem for me anymore. *looks over at @CormiaC_BDB, smiles* But I’d agree with @Vishous_BDB — trying to wrangle the food away from @Rhage_BDB was always a challenge. @MaryL_BDB: I don’t mind the closeness, though sometimes the wild games of football make it tough for us to get alone time with our boys. @Tohrment_BDB: *Doesn't answer* @BellaR_BDB: *rolling eyes at @Zsadist_BDB’s answer* I think privacy is the biggest challenge. You have none living together. @BethR_BDB: Sometimes it can be overwhelming, but it’s a large place so it isn’t too hard to find a private space. *smiles @Wrath_BDB* @MarissaH_BDB: *smiling* I wouldn’t be anywhere else. I found friends and family here and a new purpose. *meets @Butch_BDB’s eyes, seeing his pride in me* @DocJaneW_BDB: I love it here but I'm looking forward to all the time I'll be spending at the clinic once it opens. @CormiaC_BDB: *smiles@Phury_BDB* Everyone was wonderful to me when I stayed here. @Lassiter_BDB: *points @Vishous_BDB* Him. @Blaylock_BDB: I really enjoy having @John_MatthewBDB and @Qhuinn_BDB so close, but at times it is hard to live with Qhuinn, if you know what I mean. *blushes* @Qhuinn_BDB: I guess it can be a pain if I want some privacy. Sure, we can go to the gym and hit the treadmill, but the house is pretty full. There’s always someone around.
L: But, really would any of you have it any other way?
@Butch_BDB: Nope. @Zsadist_BDB: No. @Vishous_BDB: S’all good. @Butch_BDB: Even with my snoring, man? @Vishous_BDB: Yeah. Even with. @Rhage_BDB: Not at all. @Phury_BDB: I sometimes miss being here every day with the Brothers, but I wouldn’t trade my life with Cormia and having the Chosen with us… @CormiaC_BDB: I think I’m right where I am meant to be… @Tohrment_BDB: *Thinks back to when it was just me with Wellsie, in our house and I decide not to answer, again* @Wrath_BDB: *watching Tohr’s internal turmoil shine in his eyes, then glancing around to all the brothers and their shellans* This is how it should be. @MaryL_BDB: I wouldn’t change it. I grew up an only child. I enjoy the company. @MarissaH_BDB: *shakes head* Absolutely not. @FritzDoggen_BDB: *smiles, pleased the house is full. Wishing @DariusBDB could see it* @BethR_BDB: At first I wasn’t sure how I’d like it, to be honest. But, I also knew that it was the right decision. Don’t get me wrong, it can be frustrating, and I don’t always have @Wrath_BDB’s undivided attention as often as I’d like… but it feels right to have everyone here. @Lassiter_BDB: PFFFT Hell yeah. *But really likes it here*
J: @Lassiter_BDB – Well, what has been the biggest difference for you since being around all the brothers and their shellans?
@Lassiter_BDB: I’m used to being alone so this many people is a huge difference. And having to put up with his mouth *points at @Vishous_BDB* @Blaylock_BDB: I would not change a thing! @Qhuinn_BDB: *nods at @Blaylock_BDB* I’m with him. Wouldn’t change it!
J: And how about With Halloween coming up, any plans for the holiday?
@Vishous_BDB: I am trying to get Jane to wear a hot nurse outfit. *winks @DocJaneW_BDB* @Rhage_BDB: I may let the beast out and take all the tootsie pops from kids that are too old to be trick or treating.
L: *thinking how I’ve never been able to look at a tootsie pop the same since reading their stories*
@MaryL_BDB: @Rhage_BDB! You wouldn’t! I guess I’ll be spending Halloween keeping @Rhage_BDB too busy to steal candy. *blushes* @Tohrment_BDB: *shakes head* Can't say I've thought about it. @Wrath_BDB: Beth wants to hand candy out, so we’ll head back to the house in town for Halloween night. @BethR_BDB: I look forward to handing out candy… and trying not to eat all of it myself. *laughs* @Lassiter_BDB: I’m with @Tohrment_BDB on this one. @Qhuinn_BDB: *cocks head to the side* Am I too old to dress up and go trick-or-treating?
J: @Qhuinn_BDB — No, not at all! What would you dress up as??
@Blaylock_BDB: Well, Q, you could go as Frankenstein with all that metal, but you might scare all the kids. @Qhuinn_BDB: The last thing @Wrath_BDB needs is a flock of hysterical human females following us home.
L: Yes, but a more important question… Will any of you be helping Fritz carve pumpkins?
@Vishous_BDB: Yeah. For Nalla. @Wrath_BDB: *nods in agreement, and shaking the dice for my turn* @Rhage_BDB: Yeah, for Nalla. *smiles at Nalla* @Tohrment_BDB: Of course, for Nalla. *Reflects on difficult memories before shaking it off* @BellaR_BDB: *laughs* Nalla’s going to have several pumpkins carved for her by these males! *looks at Nalla, smiles* @MaryL_BDB: I better be included in the pumpkin carving. @DocJaneW_BDB: I'm pretty wicked with a knife, it would be a shame not to. And of course I will add to the Nalla collection *laughs* @FritzDoggen_BDB: *smiles* @BethR_BDB: I can’t wait! I even made sure to get little Nalla-sized pumpkins to decorate. *smiling warmly* @Blaylock_BDB: *laughs* I will give anything a go for Nalla. @Qhuinn_BDB: I think pumpkin carving sounds like fun! Maybe I could pierce it, or give it a few tats? *smiles*
L: I mean come on, you each have skills with knives, I’m sure you’d come up with something creative when it comes to carving pumpkins! What about you @Phury_BDB? You’re extremely artistic from what I’ve read… I think you’d have a knack for carving?
@Vishous_BDB: I know I do, true? @Rhage_BDB: Not as good as mine. @Phury_BDB: And neither of your skills are actually as good as your egos lead you to believe. *laughs* But, yes, I’m sure I’ll be trying to carve some pumpkins for Nalla. And I’m sure @CormiaC_BDB will design something as well… and the Chosen will probably want to help… *cringes, thinking of the mess* @Wrath_BDB: *rolls snake eyes which lands me on Marvin Gardens and I buy it* @Tohrment_BDB: Not gonna lie, I'm better when I'm aiming a gun, but my knife skills are on point.
J: @BellaR_BDB and @Zsadist_BDB, any plans for Halloween for Nalla?
@Rehvenge_BDB: *an uncharacteristic smile lighting my face at the mere mention of my niece* @Zsadist_BDB: *looks over at @BellaR_BDB* @BellaR_BDB: *grins and glances at @Zsadist_BDB* I want to dress her up. I’m trying to decide between a princess and a punk rocker. @Vishous_BDB: I vote for punk rocker. @Lassiter_BDB: Oh you should dress her up like a little Mary Tyler Moore! @Rhage_BDB: We could get her a little dragon costume and she can look like me. @MarissaH_BDB: I think Nalla would make a wonderful princess.
L: Well, if I had a vote, I’d say Punk Rocker, because Nalla sounds like she’s a princess everyday. *smiling while looking at Nalla and feeling the love swell in the room*
@BellaR_BDB: *grin widening* I’m leaning toward the punk rocker, too. Maybe with a little mohawk like her Uncle. *glancing at @Zsadist_BDB and @Rehvenge_BDB, seeing matching expressions of disapproval… and laughing*
J: Well, if I had a vote I’d say the best of both worlds – a Punk Rock Princess. *giggles* Maybe we could set up a play date sometime for Nalla and my little girl? *laughs* M already thinks she’s a vampire, and I have no idea where she got that idea from! *smiling*
@BellaR_BDB: That would be nice! Nalla needs to be around other young.
L: Okay… I’m sorry, enough with the Halloween talk… can I ask about scary movies at least? I know your movie watchers, so you have to have a favorite? For me, I’ll never be able to watch Poltergeist again ever since I saw it when I was I think 11 or 12. Nor will I ever be able to sleep with the closet door open again… *trails off and looks up for answers*
@Vishous_BDB: I love that sh- stuff. I love the Halloween, the Freddy were pretty imaginative, true? @DocJaneW_BDB: *smiling at @Vishous_BDB* I'm with him, blood doesn't scare me. Though I like comedy based “horror” too – like Beetlejuice. @Rehvenge_BDB: *shudders* Any movie with spiders or scorpions creeps me the fu… I really can’t stomach those movies anymore. @Rhage_BDB: Yeah I love all of it. @MaryL_BDB hates it. @Tohrment_BDB: That Buried movie that's coming out looks pretty intense. Might have to check it. I like to watch people fleeing the likes of Godzilla the best, though *chuckles*
L: @Tohrment_BDB – yeah, that Buried movie is one I really want to see. As for Godzilla, we’re talking Godzilla vs. Mothra originals right? What did you think of the remake?
@Tohrment_BDB: *Furrows brow*Remakes are for people with no original ideas, know what I'm sayin? There's no excuse for messing with perfection. @BethR_BDB: *laughs along with @Tohrment_BDB* I always cheer for the monster. @Wrath_BDB: *raises a brow* Tohr, how many times have you seen Godzilla? Seriously, man. I’m going to send you to Bad Horror Flicks Anonymous soon. @Tohrment_BDB: Hey, it's a good flick. Besides, Bad Horror Flicks Anonymous shut down for lack of membership *grins @Wrath_BDB*.
L: @Wrath_BDB actually, bad horror movies are the best! I’m all about those horrible B movies *says a little too excitedly*
@Wrath_BDB: *shakes head* To each his own. You and Tohr should have a movie night sometime. *Nods towards the hallway* We have a movie theater in here. He’d be a lot less cranky with Lassy off his ass. @BellaR_BDB: *shudders* I’m not a scary movie fan. Comedies are more my style. @Lassiter_BDB: I like movies with more style. @Butch_BDB: Seems like Twilight would be right up your alley. They sparkle, you glow… you’re kinda like cousins. *glances over at @Vishous_BDB winking* @Phury_BDB: *looks @Lassiter_BDB* Is that what you call the Lifetime Women’s movies you and @Rhage_BDB watch?
J: Hey, nothing wrong with Lifetime. They have some good stuff! L: *trying to picture @Rhage_BDB and @Lassiter_BDB passing a tissue box back and forth. Nope, can't see it.*
@Rhage_BDB: I do not watch that crap! @MaryL_BDB: Scary movies aren’t my thing, though I did see a great foreign vampire film, Let the Right One In. Subtitles and everything. A little too cerebral for @Rhage_BDB. Love you baby. *winks* @CormiaC_BDB: I’ve not really watched any of the scary movies, but I have found I rather like some of the movies with Cary Grant and Audrey Hepburn.
L: @CormiaC_BDB – Have you seen Breakfast at Tiffany’s?
@CormiaC_BDB: No I haven’t seen that movie yet. Is it an enjoyable film? If so, we’ll have to watch it.
L: Speaking of movies, did any of you see Twilight? Or what about that other movie… what’s it called Jessica? J: Vampires Suck? L: Yeah… *laughing* that one?
@Rehvenge_BDB: *shaking head in disgust* @Zsadist_BDB: *growls* @Wrath_BDB: I’m not a big movie watcher, but I hear the Cop likes that Twilight one. @Butch_BDB: *groans* Oh man, I knew that would come up… @Vishous_BDB: *grins* Oh yeah, the cop here loves to watch Twilight. Caught him watching one day when he thought I was asleep. And we all know @Rhage_BDB wishes he would sparkle. @Rhage_BDB: *rolls eyes* Says the vampire that doubles as a night light. @Phury_BDB: V, Did the t-shirts not arrive yet for @Butch_BDB and @Rhage_BDB? The ones that say “I love sparkly vamps”? @Lassiter_BDB: Nothing wrong with a little sparkle. *smiles* @Butch_BDB: *laughs* You’d fit right in with the Veggie Vamps, Lassy. @Tohrment_BDB: *shrugs* Never even heard of it. @MaryL_BDB: Oh no. I’ve heard the jokes, got to hear all about the kitchen fight, but Twilight not my cup of tea. @DocJaneW_BDB: *sarcastically* Fate… destiny… who believes in that? *laughs* Either way, I think I'd lose my bad ass bitch card, if I watched that one. @Qhuinn_BDB: Twi-what? *shakes head, laughing* No way, not happening. @BethR_BDB: I found a t-shirt that said “I <3 Boys who sparkle” but @Wrath_BDB didn’t see the humor in it. *chuckling at the memory* @Wrath_BDB: That’s because I’m not a boy nor do I sparkle, leelan. *smirks* @BellaR_BDB: *laughing* I’ve seen Twilight. I’m a vamp girl! @Blaylock_BDB: *Dropping my head and blushing* I have seen the Twilight movies and really liked them.
J: Um, is this the wrong time to say that I’m ummm… Team Werewolf??
@Tohrment_BDB: *grins*No worries, can't be jealous of something that only exists on the big screen and in fairytales. @Butch_BDB: *shaking my head* Team Werewolf? *laughs and then remembers I used to laugh at the thought of vampires… * @DocJaneW_BDB: *Thinking to myself that it would be a fascinating species to study, if they were real, before refocusing on the plans*
Check back in tomorrow night for part two!
If you would like to follow along with the all the Black Dagger Brotherhood Twitter Role Players is part of this group, please USE GOOGLE to easily follow each character. And trust me, you don't know what your missing! So hurry and follow today!
@FritzDoggen_BDB Online: (updates, notes and information on the Twitter Role Playing Group)
Website | Twitter
Order All 8 books in the Black Dagger Brotherhood series and Preorder book 9 Online here:
Amazon | Borders | Barnes and Noble | The Book Depository
Thank you so much to all the characters from the Black Dagger Brotherhood Twitter Role Play group for all the time and effort they have been putting in to help us celebrate not only Halloween and our event, but also our love for all that is the Brotherhood and J.R. Ward.
**Role Play
–verb (used with object) 1. to assume the attitudes, actions, and discourse of (another), esp. in a make-believe situation in an effort to understand a differing point of view or social interaction: Management trainees were given a chance to role-play labor negotiators. 2. to experiment with or experience (a situation or viewpoint) by playing a role: trainees role-playing management positions. –verb (used without object) 3. to engage in role-playing.
Interview by Lisa (L) & Jessica (J)
All who are attending?
Playing Pool are Vishous_BDB & @Tohrment_BDB with @Butch_BDB and @Rhage_BDB playing next. Playing Monopoly are @Rehvenge_BDB, @Zsadist_BDB, @Wrath_BDB, @Phury_BDB, and Jessica and I. @BellaR_BDB and @BethR_BDB are playing with Nalla. @DocJaneW_BDB, @MaryL_BDB, @CormiaC_BDB, @EhlenaA_BDB, and @MarissaH_BDB are looking over more plans for the medical facility while waiting for a shellan monopoly. It is much calmer. No daggers. @John_MatthewBDB and @Xhex_BDB come in later, still in honeymoon phase they are… looking happy. @Qhuinn_BDB and @Blaylock_BDB are playing Xbox. @Lassiter_BDB flutters from group to group inputting his two cents. @FritzDoggen_BDB serving crepes and drinks.
Check out Lisa's Haunted Halloween post!NOTE: This post will be the same on both of our blogs.
REMINDER: *If you are interested in the COMMENT CONTEST, remember to include your email address with your comment for an extra entry! Please ready full entry rules HERE.
The post you are about to read is 100 % **Role Play
All the characters represented here (please see the list of all Role Players provided below ) with the exception of Lisa and myself are **Role Players from a group on twitter. They have agreed to role play with us to help celebrate not only our Halloween Event, but also to help share our love for the Black Dagger Brotherhood series by author J.R. Ward, as these Role Players are also huge fans of J.R. Ward's works.
PLEASE BE AWARE THAT NO ONE with this site/blog, Lisa’s site/blog nor the role-playing group — which you can find with the list of twitter accounts provided — is in any way, shape or form connected to or affiliated with J.R. Ward. No one present or represented here is J.R. Ward, nor is the role playing intended for any purpose other than the personal enjoyment of the Role Players involved.
Warning: This story contains mature and adult themes.L/J: *trying to get the topic back on track* Okay then, since were talking about Vampire movies and all, what do you think about the TV shows out there that have Vampires of the non-sparkly variety in them? Such as say… The Vampire Diaries or True Blood?
@Vishous_BDB: Only if we want a laugh, true? @BellaR_BDB: I’ve heard of the shows from some of the followers, but I haven’t watched them. Do you watch them? *glancing at L and J* @Tohrment_BDB: *shakes head* I don't watch shows about teenagers, first. And the True Blood stuff? Some of the humans on twitter complained about it being all wrong, so I've kept my distance.
L/J: So, being that we found you on twitter, which is great and amazing to get a chance to check in with each of you nightly… it looks like you all have fun with it? Was it you @Vishous_BDB who got them all hooked? And if not, how did you all get started with it?
@Vishous_BDB: Yeah I thought it would be a good way to get our stories out there. It worked, we have had several people tell us they read the books because of us.
L/J: @Vishous_BDB Your right, it is a great way to further spread the word about each of your stories.
@Vishous_BDB: *nods knowing I am always right* @Rhage_BDB: I hate to admit he is right *nods at @Vishous_BDB* But he was. @Tohrment_BDB: That's V's big brain working over time again. It's been a good ride, so far. @Phury_BDB: V got us started. At first it did seem awkward for some of us, myself included. But it has been interesting. @Wrath_BDB: I’ll admit to not being completely sold on the idea of twitter at first. I couldn’t figure out who had time for this shit. But as the leader of the vampire race, I’m finding it to be an excellent communication tool as well as the best form of agitation for the @Scribe_Virgin I’ve seen in a couple hundred years. *smirks* @MaryL_BDB: The whole Twitter thing fascinates me. People are so friendly and they genuinely seem to care about us as people, not just us as figments of their imaginations. Maybe you could give us some insight into that. Why do people we don’t know follow our lives so closely? Not that I don’t love it! @BethR_BDB: Everyone is really friendly and supportive of us. @MarissaH_BDB: I have to agree with @BethR_BDB and MaryL_BDB. Everyone has been so kind on Twitter. When things between @Butch_BDB and myself were uncertain so many people has such kind and supportive words.
L/J: @MaryL_BDB & everyone… to answer your question, I think we follow each of you because after reading your stories we feel like we know you, even just the slightest bit. That this is our way to stay connected to you and see where each of you are in your lives while waiting the long way for the next book/chapter to begin within your world. And trust me, it’s a long wait…
L: Actually *blushing* – Jessica dared me to send a message to @Rehvenge_BDB and that’s how this whole interview came about. He suggested I speak to @Wrath_BDB. *Looks to @Rehvenge_BDB*, by the way, thanks again.
@Rehvenge_BDB: *standing, using the cane to lead my way to you* It was my sublime pleasure. *taking up your hand, stroking a thumb over the inside of your wrist… and FEEDING on your anxiety before heading back to the game*
L: *Stares at @Rehvenge_BDB and his purple eyes. Wonder if that really just happened. Hearing @Wrath_BDB’s tone – shaking head to clear the haze bringing me back to the room*
@Wrath_BDB: Rehv. Cut the shit, man. She’s my guest and I won’t have you using her.
L: Well, *still nervous* you somewhat intimidate us, though we thoroughly enjoy following along, so we both lurk. Maybe after this we won’t lurk as much?
@Butch_BDB: What the hell is there to be intimidated of? *grins* @Vishous_BDB: True that.
J: @Butch_BDB — maybe it’s just that each of you, well the males at least, radiate so much testosterone… or it could just be the fangs.
@Butch_BDB: *smirks* @MarissaH_BDB: It’s always nice to talk with everyone one Twitter. But I was nervous about talking with people in the beginning- it was something outside of anything the gylmera would ever have approved. @BethR_BDB: There’s no need to be intimidated. I enjoy talking with everyone.
L/J: @MarissaH_BDB & BethR_BDB – Thank you so much for making us feel so welcome and inviting us in. Thanks to each of you really.
@MarissaH_BDB: *smiles warmly* @Rhage_BDB: Yeah, you should talk to us. A lot.
J: @Rhage_BDB — now that we have had a chance to get to know you all, I definitely think we will be chatting with you a lot more.
@Tohrment_BDB: Hey, reach out, we don't bite *laughs*
L: @Tohrment_BDB *laughing with you* did you really just say that?
@Tohrment_BDB: *thinks to the immediate past* Yeah, I did. *winks* @Qhuinn_BDB: *grins* No lurking allowed, ladies. Maybe a Corona or two will loosen you up a bit?
L: @Qhuinn_BDB *slight smile* well, while Corona is one of my favorite beers, I’d much rather have some Tequila. *blushing*
@Qhuinn_BDB: *Grins at Lisa, holding up a lime and the salt shaker* I've got the Heradurra right here, babe. Body shots on me?
L: *stares at @Qhuinn_BDB Speechless*
J: @Qhuinn_BDB actually, right about now I could use one… Could you pass one over?
@Blaylock_BDB: Truly, be at ease. We really enjoy interacting with our followers. Oh, and ignore @Qhuinn_BDB. I try to. *smiles, blushing slightly*
J: *giggles after drinking* Aww @Blaylock_BDB you’re just too sweet! *walks across the room and touches his cheek. Thinking this Corona is starting to relax me*
@Blaylock_BDB: *blushing brighter at your touch* Thanks.
J: Um, how about a question for each of you? Do you enjoy reading and if so, what’s your favorite type of story?
@Butch_BDB: Mysteries for me. The cop in me never really went away totally. @Vishous_BDB: I love to read. Everything. I have thousands of books. I enjoy anything that makes me think. @Tohrment_BDB: I like to read vampire stories for a good laugh and conspiracy theory fiction. The DaVinci Code wasn't bad. I can also read about cars for days. The Complete Book of Corvette and Porsche: Excellence Was to be Expected are two of my faves. Lots of beauty in those pages. *Thinks about the Stingray* I think that covers it. @Rehvenge_BDB: Mob stories. Big fan. *enigmatic grin* @Zsadist_BDB: *lips curl in a smile* Anything Nalla wants me to read to her.
L: @Zsadist_BDB Oh, I almost forgot – here *passes to @Zsadist_BDB* I brought this book for Nalla. I found it just the other day and thought she might like it. It’s called Cloudette. *smiles*
@Zsadist_BDB: *smiling — nods* Nalla will love it. Thank you *glances over at Nalla and Bella, smile widens* @Phury_BDB: I enjoy reading a wide variety of things. @Wrath_BDB: *shakes head* Unless I can get something in Braille otherwise @BethR_BDB reads to me. I love hearing her voice, so it’s all good. @BethR_BDB: I enjoy anything I can read to Wrath. But I’m not going to lie; I like a good Nicholas Sparks book just as much as the next female. @BellaR_BDB: I like romance novels. *smiles* I like happy ever afters. @EhlenaA_BDB: I read everything I can get my hands on. *looks to @Rehvenge_BDB* I’m currently reading “Mind Manipulation: Ancient and Modern Ninja Techniques”… you know… gotta stay sharp.
J: @EhlenaA_BDB — Same here. I try to read a variety of different books. Never know what ones may turn into favorites. *thinking of picking up that book… never know when it may come in handy*
@MaryL_BDB: I’m very much a reader. Currently I’m reading Our Synaptic Selves, though usually I read the latest in childhood disorders. The field changes so fast, it’s hard to keep up. @MarissaH_BDB: Well, I’ve been enjoying reading books that @MaryL_BDB found for me as wonderful reference points for SafePlace. I continue to feel like there is so much that I don’t know. @Qhuinn_BDB: *runs a hand through my dark, spiky hair* Hmm… Do video game guides count @Blaylock_BDB: *laughs* Um… no, @Qhuinn_BDB, video game guides don’t count. We’ve been pretty busy lately, but I really like Joe Hill. @Lassiter_BDB: I prefer TV.
L: @Lassiter_BDB how did I know you were going to say that? *laughing* J: @Lassiter_BDB oh, do you mean more of those Lifetime Movies that were mentioned before.
@Lassiter_BDB: Exactly. Classy TV. @CormiaC_BDB: I have been devouring every book about architecture that @Phury_BDB has been able to find for me. And human history books. I’m intimately familiar with our race’s history but now I’m curious about other histories.
L/J: This one is for the Shellans – how do you each put up with all the fighting? *glances over to see @Tohrment_BDB and looks away sad to have asked such a question*
@Tohrment_BDB: *Knowing I'm going to have to ride this out, it's what Wellsie wanted for me. Resolved to stick around no matter how thick it gets, trying to focus on sinking my next shot instead.* @MarissaH_BDB: I’d be lying if I said I didn’t worry every time @Butch_BDB goes out hunting--what he does is different than what the other Brothers do, and it will always frighten me. But I trust him, and I trust that he will do everything in his power to come home to me each night. *sees @Butch_BDB watching me, smiles at him in return* @Butch_BDB: *winks at @MarissaH_BDB* @CormiaC_BDB: I knew @Phury_BDB first as the Primale and a warrior, so I always knew this was part of who he is. It doesn’t mean I don’t worry, because I do. But I know that he and his Brothers are fighting for our entire race, and that’s a calling greater than my worry. And besides, he’s already proven he’s stronger than even he knew… *smiles proudly at @Phury_BDB* @DocJaneW_BDB: *Looking up from the plans for the new clinic and shaking my head* You just can't think about it. *glancing over at V who's leaning on his cue, smiling at him* And I'll be damned if I ever lose any of them should they need my expertise. @BellaR_BDB: *looks at Nalla* I worry. I try not to, but I do. *looks over at @Zsadist_BDB* But even while I’m worrying, I know that @Zsadist_BDB will always do everything in his power to come home to us. And I choose to believe that he will. @MaryL_BDB: *sighs* I know it’s important to him, to his Brothers, so I just kiss him before he goes and then hold my breath until he comes home. I think I’m comforted by my pet, the one he calls “the beast”. Well, his beast and I have an arrangement. He keeps my Rhage safe and I scratch him behind the ears when he gets home. *giggles and winks @Rhage_BDB* @BethR_BDB: I know how frustrating it is that @Wrath_BDB can’t be out fighting alongside his brothers, but he has a responsibility to the race as their King which he takes very seriously. I worry about the other warriors who are out in the streets every night, hunting down lessers and keeping us safe. @Wrath_BDB worries about even more than I do, and I don’t like to think of how hard he would take it if something happened to one of them. @EhlenaA_BDB: I don’t worry overly much about @Rehvenge_BDB fighting. His battles are waged on a different field. *taps head*
L: The strength each of you has is amazing. I can hear it in your voices; see it in your body language. The conviction in our words comes shining through when speaking of such a hard subject. Thank you for your honest answers.
@DocJaneW_BDB: *nods* You're welcome. You have to be strong to handle one of these males, trust me. All the women here are tough as nails, couldn't be happier to find myself in their ranks. @BellaR_BDB: *smiling* You’re welcome.
L/J: *gets up to walk around – seeing how natural they all are with each other, makes my/our nerves settle some* (hearing laughing over a game of pool between @Vishous_BDB & @Tohrment_BDB we walk over to check it out.*
@Vishous_BDB: *taking a shot*
L: Who’s winning?
@Vishous_BDB: *nods at @Tohrment_BDB* Want to play winner? @Tohrment_BDB: *Eying the 3 ball, knowing I can bank it in if V misses his next shot*
J: Ohhh, no, we’re still playing Monopoly with @Wrath_BDB, @Rehvenge_BDB, @Zsadist_BDB, @Phury_BDB. We just came over to see what you guys were laughing about?
@Vishous_BDB: Well you did bring up the sparkly vamps so we had to give @Rhage_BDB some flack, true? @Rhage_BDB: *flips V off* @Tohrment_BDB: *shaking my head at all the sparkle talk* @Lassiter_BDB: *still glowing* What is wrong with sparkle? @Rehvenge_BDB: *finally absconding with Park Place AND Boardwalk, nailing the Brothers with sly amethyst eyes* Just hand over your banks now, ladies. *steepled fingers*
L: Who’s winning at the monopoly game? Oh… not sure, but I believe @Wrath_BDB might be. *feeling less and less nervous, but knowing it can return at anytime with so many males of this size packed into this room.*
@Rehvenge_BDB: *pulling all Z’s internal outrage for a snack and replacing it with the overwhelming desire to bake Halloween cupcakes* @Zsadist_BDB: *feeling like I want to bake some cupcakes – shakes head and glares at @Rhevenge_BDB * You Fu… *growls* @Wrath_BDB: *grins* Of course I’m winning. And Rehv? Park Place and Boardwalk mean nada. *laughs* @Rehvenge_BDB: *shouts above the music that it’s Jessica’s turn*
L/J: *looking up at @Vishous_BDB, @Rhage_BDB, @Tohr_BDB & @Butch_BDB over the pool table* we’ll come back again in a few… *walking back over to the couch – noticing @John_MatthewBDB and @Xhex_BDB have joined the group* `1
Be sure to come back tomorrow night for the 3rd and final part of our interview! You won't want to miss out it AND we'll have another surprise tomorrow night as well!
If you would like to follow along with the all the Black Dagger Brotherhood Twitter Role Players is part of this group, please USE GOOGLE to easily follow each character. And trust me, you don't know what your missing! So hurry and follow today!
@FritzDoggen_BDB Online: (updates, notes and information on the Twitter Role Playing Group)
Website | Twitter
Order All 8 books in the Black Dagger Brotherhood series and Preorder book 9 Online here:
Amazon | Borders | Barnes and Noble | The Book Depository
Thank you so much to all the characters from the Black Dagger Brotherhood Twitter Role Play group for all the time and effort they have been putting in to help us celebrate not only Halloween and our event, but also our love for all that is the Brotherhood and J.R. Ward.
**Role Play
–verb (used with object) 1. to assume the attitudes, actions, and discourse of (another), esp. in a make-believe situation in an effort to understand a differing point of view or social interaction: Management trainees were given a chance to role-play labor negotiators. 2. to experiment with or experience (a situation or viewpoint) by playing a role: trainees role-playing management positions. –verb (used without object) 3. to engage in role-playing.
Interview by Lisa (L) & Jessica (J)
All who are attending?
Playing Pool are Vishous_BDB & @Tohrment_BDB with @Butch_BDB and @Rhage_BDB playing next. Playing Monopoly are @Rehvenge_BDB, @Zsadist_BDB, @Wrath_BDB, @Phury_BDB, and Jessica and I. @BellaR_BDB and @BethR_BDB are playing with Nalla. @DocJaneW_BDB, @MaryL_BDB, @CormiaC_BDB, @EhlenaA_BDB, and @MarissaH_BDB are looking over more plans for the medical facility while waiting for a shellan monopoly. It is much calmer. No daggers. @John_MatthewBDB and @Xhex_BDB come in later, still in honeymoon phase they are… looking happy. @Qhuinn_BDB and @Blaylock_BDB are playing Xbox. @Lassiter_BDB flutters from group to group inputting his two cents. @FritzDoggen_BDB serving crepes and drinks.
Check out Lisa's Haunted Halloween post!NOTE: This post will be the same on both of our blogs.
REMINDER: *If you are interested in the COMMENT CONTEST, remember to include your email address with your comment for an extra entry! Please ready full entry rules HERE.
Please read:The post you are about to read is 100 % **Role Play All the characters represented here ( @The_Omega_ ) with the exception of Lisa and myself are **Role Players from a group on twitter. They have agreed to role play with us to help celebrate not only our Halloween Event, but also to help share our love for the Black Dagger Brotherhood series by author J.R. Ward, as these Role Players are also huge fans of J.R. Ward's works. PLEASE BE AWARE THAT NO ONE with this site/blog, Lisa's site/blog nor the role-playing group — which you can find with the list of twitter accounts provided — is in any way, shape or form connected to or affiliated with J.R. Ward. No one present or represented here is J.R. Ward, nor is the role playing intended for any purpose other than the personal enjoyment of the Role Players involved.
The following story contains some strong language and mature themes.The Favor by @The_Omega_ What is that spiteful b**** up to now?” I reached over to one of my pets, a strange mixed breed, part dragon, part cockatrice, all malevolence and anger. There are a total of six in existence. I bred them especially for aggression and protection, not that I really needed protecting or anything. But they come in handy when I need to intimidate my lessers. Or others. As I ran my arm over his bumpy scales, I thought back to the day the Scribe Virgin came to ask me a favor. It seems one of her precious warriors needed to be taught a lesson. He was a strong bastard and she had nothing with which she could impress upon him the lessons she felt he was in sore need of learning. I knew it was a sharp blow to her pride to have to come to me for anything. She had always been favored, in everything, and was loathe to have to ask me for help of any kind. In this it was no different. She entered my domain with a gust behind her, carrying that cursed scent from her Fade with her. “ Could I possibly borrow one of your dragons? I wish to curse one of my warriors, to teach him how to control himself and as I can think of nothing more out of control than your creatures, one of them would work nicely to punish him,” she asked without a hint of humility. She was asking me a favor and didn’t even have the decency to bow before me. I just looked at her, not saying a word. I could tell she was becoming impatient as she began to explain very quickly. “Rhage is impulsive and quick tempered. He’s also very strong and could take out many of your army before they even realize he’s there. It would be in your best interest for this warrior to be tamed.” I was hesitant to trust anything she said. I’m probably the only one who knows her truly. When our Father made us, it was assumed that she got the light while I got the darkness. We are supposedly two halves of a whole — she the positive and I the negative. Quite inaccurate. Our Father was mostly darkness and while it’s true all I got was that, it is also true that my dear sibling, while getting mostly goodness, also got a hefty dose of evil to go with it. She had a wicked mean streak that even her favorite monsters couldn’t escape. I would have said no out of hand, but I thought this would be an excellent way to dispatch of the Brotherhood immediately. I decided I would allow her to take the meanest, most out of control dragon I had, fully expecting that it would eat every vampire in the Brotherhood and make the rest of my job easy. There was no way, I thought, the Brother could possibly wrangle this monster.
“ You may have my favorite pet, but I have some conditions that must be met,” I said to her after a very long silence. “This isn’t something I do without great trepidation, knowing how horrid you are.” She waved her hand, as if to dismiss my concerns about her motives. She was always so dismissive of me and it drove me insane. “ No, sister mine, I will not be brushed off,” I growled in an ominous tone only I can pull off. “If you won’t agree to my demands, you shall not be allowed the use of my pet.” As I began to outline my requirements, a small smile played on her face. No one could tell me that the Scribe Virgin wasn’t sadistic. She was in absolute agreement that she borrow the most aggressive dragon, the one who would take the most work to control. She was happy to curse her warrior for 200 years, which I demanded to ensure the beast would have ample time to do its job. The only stipulation she balked at was my presence at the insertion. She didn’t want me there and I couldn’t understand why. “ I can’t be seen with you,” she said, aghast at the thought. “You can’t come to my sanctuary. You can’t be anywhere near me in any place where people might see us.” I put aside the insult. She had long since ceased to hurt my feelings with her obvious disgust at my very existence. “ Sorry, no deal. If I can’t be there to witness my pet, my baby, being implanted in that disgusting brute of yours, then you can’t have him,” I said as I turned away, fully prepared to send her away empty handed. I knew that would get her. One thing my darling sister couldn’t stand was being denied a chance to hurt another soul, even if was one that she had created. She liked to hide in her white world, where everything looked pristine and pure. However, anyone who looked closely at her behaviors, the things she did, the things she required before being willing to grant any favor, they would have seen the cruelty in her acts. “ I will agree to whatever you ask, brother,” she practically spat the word at me. “As you have asked a price for this, you must make sure the monster you give me will be the most difficult trial a warrior could possibly have to endure. If you don’t, I will find a way to make up the difference, and that will be most unpleasant for you. Of that you can be sure. Oh, and I shall have to hide you with a mhis. I wasn’t being facetious when I said I couldn’t be seen with you.” So the deal was struck. Within the blink of an eye, we were in front of the warrior, who had his head bent awaiting his punishment. I noticed the dead owl lying by the tree and I knew this vampire was in for more pain and suffering than he could possibly survive. My sister loved her birds and there was no way she was going to let this pass without extracting her pound of flesh. The Brother was larger than a typical vampire, but he was nowhere near big enough to contain my beast without a great struggle, and getting him into the vampire wasn’t going to be anything short of torturous. He was shaking a bit, perhaps in fear. Or maybe it was remorse, as he did seem to genuinely feel bad for whatever act had ended in the death of the owl. If he was smart, he would have been terrified. Whatever he felt, he kept his head bowed in shame and awaited his punishment with bravery. My sister, in her flowing black robe, was standing in front of the male. She reached down and grabbed him by his long, blond hair, yanking his head back until it looked like it was going to wrench from his neck. Looking into his face, she roared at him, “You have taken one of my most precious possessions.” The male just gaped at her, his eyes wide with surprise at her indignation. Tears were rolling down his face now as he stammered out a weak apology. His whole body was wracked with sobs. He blubbered about how he didn’t mean to do harm, how he hadn’t thought of the repercussions of giving his weapon to someone untrained. The words were coming out of his mouth so fast I had to struggle to understand what he was saying. I guess the male wasn’t stupid after all. He was petrified. From out of her robe, the Scribe Virgin pulled a large dagger. It was bone handled and looked like something with which a human would disembowel large game. Still looking directly into the vampire’s eyes, she took the knife and stabbed him in the throat. It made a sound of a stone dropping into wet cement, a slurping noise that would have caused a mortal to vomit. The male’s eyes did the impossible. They became even wider than they had been, taking up so much of his face that it appeared eyes were all he had. Pulling slowly, she dragged the blade down through his neck, his chest. The sickening sound of his sternum cracking was loud enough to startle the birds still left in the trees in this very twisted sanctuary. The strength she wielded to break through his rib bones one by one was impressive. My sister was watching the line of damage as she created it, her gaze not wavering from her bloody task for a moment. She didn’t stop until she had cut him all the way to his pubic bone. As intestines and entrails spilled out of the gaping hole my sister had gouged in this pathetic creature, she looked as if she was in ecstasy. Her head was tilted to the sky, the look on her face one of rapture. My sister had lost her mind in that moment. I was sure of it. The male looked as if he was screaming, though no sound was coming out. His eyes were wide but not seeing. His face was contorted in pain that most would be unable to live through, draining of color as the blood poured from the wound in his torso. There was so much blood, running in rivers down the hill, into the fountain, turning the water a deep hue of red that was terribly out of place in this sea of white. The vampire’s essence was leaving quickly as my sister was lost in her own private rampage. She actually seemed unaware of the harm she had done. As the warrior seemed to finally grasp the severity of the situation he was in, he resigned himself to the fate that would be conferred upon him. Any fight he may have had inside his large body left, just as the vital fluid was doing. Snapping out of whatever twisted reverie she was lost in, the Scribe Virgin captured my dragon by his barbed tail and set about the onerous task of forcing a very round peg into a very square and much smaller hole. Inch by inch, she pushed and shoved that 12 foot dragon into the opening she had created when she eviscerated the vampire. The sound of bones crunching was almost more than I could bear. Almost. The warrior’s face was a study in tortured agony. Sweat was pouring from his brow. His mouth was agape in a silent wail. His eyes were rolled back in his head, and still my sister continued her almost methodical invasion of the body she had laid open. When the dragon was finally well seated, crammed really, in the small space, she held her hand out, a light emanating from it, and she sealed the wound she had earlier created. She unceremoniously dropped her warrior, using that dangerous hand to clean up the mess she had made. The vampire curled into a ball then very violently splayed his body out, knowing that whatever was inside was too large for his shell to hold. Finally he found his voice and the silent screams became deafening shrieks and had my sister not covered her heinous act with a mhis that not only hid me from sight, but this entire gruesome scene, all of her innocent Chosen would have fled her presence in absolute terror. But the Scribe Virgin was nothing if not smart. She wasn’t going to let anyone see her madness. With another wave of her hand, she wiped the memory of what she had done from her creature’s mind and made sure the dragon was well ensconced inside his body, making them one. It was almost as if the male came awake, he startled and awareness returned to him. “ You will carry with you a curse, for two hundred years, to remind you of what you have done here. No more will you be able to think only of yourself, acting impulsively as only a young child should be wont to do,” she whispered into his face, so close to him it made even me shudder. “And you will be reminded every time you get even slightly out of control, because you will be visited by a beast so savage even those you love won’t be safe.” I left her garden impressed, and a little hopeful that perhaps she and I had come to some sort of understanding. Perhaps we would be able to work together in the future, not always be at odds. She had, after all, just brutally attacked the warrior race she claimed to love so much. Of course that isn’t what happened. Instead of being able to break free of its warrior prison and devour the Brotherhood, my sister enchanted the beast, protecting her vermin, and instead my dragon chose to eat my lessers. In the 99 or so years he’d been inside of that Brother, he hadn’t eaten a single one of the noxious rodents he should have preferred. That certainly should be a hint as to how slimy those freaks are, when even a dragon won’t eat one. My sister, the malicious Scribe Virgin, irritates me to no end. My life's mission has been to eradicate the disgusting species she created and she is seriously screwing that up. Everything she did is in direct opposition to me. Every single thing. And it is beginning to piss me off. She really is a spiteful b****.
If you would like to follow along with the Role Players that @The_Omega_ is part of, please USE GOOGLE to easily follow each character within the group. And trust me, you don't know what your missing! So hurry and follow today!
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@FritzDoggen_BDB Online: (updates, notes and information on the Twitter Role Playing Group)
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Order All 8 books in the Black Dagger Brotherhood series and Preorder book 9 Online here:
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**Role Play
–verb (used with object) 1. to assume the attitudes, actions, and discourse of (another), esp. in a make-believe situation in an effort to understand a differing point of view or social interaction: Management trainees were given a chance to role-play labor negotiators. 2. to experiment with or experience (a situation or viewpoint) by playing a role: trainees role-playing management positions. –verb (used without object) 3. to engage in role-playing.
Thank you so much to @The_Omega_ and all the other characters from the Black Dagger Brotherhood Twitter Role Play group for all the time and effort they have been putting in to help us celebrate not only Halloween and our event, but also our love for all that is the Brotherhood and J.R. Ward. * Check out Lisa's Haunted Halloween post with Sara Bennett Wealer and a giveaway for a signed copy of Rival.
*Reminder: If you are interested in the COMMENT CONTEST, remember to include your email address with your comment for an extra entry! Please read full entry rules here.